Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology: Volume 4 Issue 3

Table of contents

Key performance indicators for benchmarking health and safety management in intra‐ and inter‐company comparisons

Colin W. Fuller

Two case studies in health and safety management identified key performance indicators that reflected a company’s overall performance obtained from a full benchmarking audit. An…


Continuous improvement strategies across selected Australian manufacturing sectors

Ross L. Chapman, Paul W. Hyland

Notes that Australian businesses are continually being expected to respond to changes in the economy brought about by alterations to government policies. Suggests that those…


Benchmarking: a study in the supply and distribution of spare parts in a utility

M. Le Sueur, B.G. Dale

Focuses on a benchmarking study relating to the supply and distribution of spare parts to the plant maintenance function in a major utility. The key lessons arising from the study…


Insights into TQM and downsizing in large organizations

Alan Brown, Ton van der Wiele

Addresses issues regarding the impact of restructuring on TQM by examining several large Australian enterprises. All had gone through substantial restructuring with considerable…


A PC‐based system for benchmarking quality management via ISO 9000 auditing

Chang Zeph Yun, Tay Boon Hou

Presents a benchmarking model for quality management systems through ISO 9000 auditing. A knowledge base of implementation principles and guidelines is established for the…




Online date, start – end:

1994 – 1998

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Emerald Publishing Limited