Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology: Volume 2 Issue 1

Table of contents

Benchmarking critical factors for TQM: part I: theory and foundations

Mohamed Zairi, Mohamed A. Youssef

Provides two definitions of TQM which address TQM critical factors.Also examines a number of self‐assessment frameworks and explains therole they play in determining the TQM…


Self‐managing teams: A pipeline to quality and technology management

Nazik S. Roufaiel, Marv Meissner

Proliferation of advanced production technology and challengingcompetition created by the increasing internationalization of businessactivities have placed great emphasis on…


Strategy formulation: a learning methodology

Rainer Feurer, Kazem Chaharbaghi

Strategy formulation can no longer be based on a process ofconception, as the underlying conditions change before a formulatedstrategy can be implemented. It should be based on a…


The combination of innovation and quality in an industrial research consortium

Larry W. Sumney, Paul V. Braden

Innovation and quality are the twin engines of US competitiveness.They both relate to customer satisfaction and are enhanced by commonprocesses. Argues that the Semiconductor…


A review of key publications on benchmarking part I

Mohamed Zairi, Mohamed Youssef

Reviews the first three of 11 key books on benchmarking with theaim of assisting in the educational and training processes in companiesembarking on or launching a benchmarking…




Online date, start – end:

1994 – 1998

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Emerald Publishing Limited