Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Volume 29 Issue 2 , Open Access


Table of contents

Critical point equation on almost f-cosymplectic manifolds

H. Aruna Kumara, V. Venkatesha, Devaraja Mallesha Naik

Besse first conjectured that the solution of the critical point equation (CPE) must be Einstein. The CPE conjecture on some other types of Riemannian manifolds, for instance…


Positive solution for the (p, q)-Laplacian systems by a new version of sub-super solution method

Mohammed Moussa, Abdelqoddous Moussa, Hatim Mazan

In this paper, the authors give a new version of the sub-super solution method and prove the existence of positive solution for a (p, q)-Laplacian system under weak assumptions…


Classification of space-like translation surfaces in the 3-dimensional Lorentz Heisenberg group H3

Rafik Medjati, Hanifi Zoubir, Brahim Medjahdi

In the Lorentz Heisenberg space H3 endowed with flat metric g3, a translation surface is parametrized by r(x, y) = γ1(x)*γ2(y), where γ1 and γ2 are two planar curves lying in…

Solvability of nonlinear fractional integro-differential equation with nonlocal condition

Sakhri Aicha, Ahcene Merad

This study describes the applicability of the a priori estimate method on a nonlocal nonlinear fractional differential equation for which the weak solution's existence and…


Some results on quadratic credibility premium using the balanced loss function

Farouk Metiri, Halim Zeghdoudi, Ahmed Saadoun

This paper generalizes the quadratic framework introduced by Le Courtois (2016) and Sumpf (2018), to obtain new credibility premiums in the balanced case, i.e. under the balanced…

Convergence theorem of Pettis integrable multivalued pramart

M'Hamed El-Louh, Mohammed El Allali, Fatima Ezzaki

In this work, the authors are interested in the notion of vector valued and set valued Pettis integrable pramarts. The notion of pramart is more general than that of martingale…

Fourier coefficients for Laguerre–Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials

Alejandro Molano

In this paper, the authors take the first step in the study of constructive methods by using Sobolev polynomials.

A generalization of Ascoli–Arzelá theorem in Cn with application in the existence of a solution for a class of higher-order boundary value problem

Salah Benhiouna, Azzeddine Bellour, Rachida Amiar

A generalization of Ascoli–Arzelá theorem in Banach spaces is established. Schauder's fixed point theorem is used to prove the existence of a solution for a boundary value problem…

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King Saud University(opens new window)

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  • Dr Malik Talbi