Solvability of nonlinear fractional integro-differential equation with nonlocal condition

Sakhri Aicha, Ahcene Merad

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 14 October 2021

Issue publication date: 13 July 2023




This study describes the applicability of the a priori estimate method on a nonlocal nonlinear fractional differential equation for which the weak solution's existence and uniqueness are proved. The authors divide the proof into two sections for the linear associated problem; the authors derive the a priori bound and demonstrate the operator range density that is generated. The authors solve the nonlinear problem by introducing an iterative process depending on the preceding results.


The functional analysis method is the a priori estimate method or energy inequality method.


The results show the efficiency of a priori estimate method in the case of time-fractional order differential equations with nonlocal conditions. Our results also illustrate the existence and uniqueness of the continuous dependence of solutions on fractional order differential equations with nonlocal conditions.

Research limitations/implications

The authors’ work can be considered a contribution to the development of the functional analysis method that is used to prove well-positioned problems with fractional order.


The authors confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.



Aicha, S. and Merad, A. (2023), "Solvability of nonlinear fractional integro-differential equation with nonlocal condition", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 172-190.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Sakhri Aicha and Ahcene Merad


Published in Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Fractional order partial differential equations have become one of the most popular areas of research in mathematical analysis. Their application has been utilized in various scientific fields, such as optimal control theory, chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, finance and engineering [].

Integro-differential equations are a combination of derivatives and integrals which are appealing to both researchers and scientists for their applications in many areas []. Numerous mathematical formulations of physical phenomena include integro-differential equations, which may arise in modelling biological fluid dynamics [].

It is important to establish effective methods to solve fractional differential equations (FDEs). Recently, a great deal of attention was dedicated to FDE solutions utilizing different methods, including the Adomian decomposition method [], the Laplace transform method [], exponential differential operators [], the F-expansion method [], non-Nehari manifold method [] and the reproducing kernel space method [], in the search for exact or analytical solutions. The applicability of most techniques becomes difficult with the presence of the integral condition. The energy inequality method is a useful tool for studying nonlocal fractional and classical problems. Compared with other techniques, it has an essential role in establishing the solution’s existence and uniqueness proof and depends on density arguments and certain a priori bounds.

There have been few articles related to nonlinear fractional partial equations that employ the energy inequality method []. Furthermore, for partial differential equations with classical order, many results have utilized this method []. Motivated by the previous results, the authors studied a nonlocal nonlinear time-fractional order problem. Moreover, we demonstrate the solution’s uniqueness, existence and dependence on the given data.

This article is outlined in the following way: in , we present the main problem. The next section is focused on posing the associated linear problem and introducing some required preliminaries and functional spaces. Then, in , we develop the energy inequality method to demonstrate the linear problem’s strong solution’s uniqueness. In addition, we prove the strong solution’s existence in . Moreover, we derive a priori bound and demonstrate the generated operator range density in a Hilbert space. We solve the nonlinear problem in by utilizing the results achieved in , and an iteration process.

2. Statement of problem

In the region D=Ω×0,T, Ω=0,1, T < , we pose the nonlinear fractional equation

with 0 < β < 1.

Associated with initial condition

and the boundary condition

Such that the known functions γ, η and ξ verify , and data functions f, φ and ψ belong to suitable function spaces as mentioned in .

In the Caputo definition for a function v, the fractional derivatives of order β + 1 with 0 < β < 1 is defined as

where Γ. is the gamma function

and the Riemann-Liouville integral of order 0 < β < 1, which is given by


3. Technical tools and associated linear problem

We define some function spaces and tools required to investigate the following linear problem associated with problems .


First, we convert problems into an equivalent operator form

where the unbounded operator L=L,1,2 with L: EF is defined in DL such that
and v also verify the initial condition. Here E is Banach space containing elements having the finite norm
and F is Hilbert space composed of functions normed with
Lemma 1.

[] Let S(t) a nonnegative absolute continuous function verifying the inequality

(13) tαCS(t)c1S(t)+c2(t),0<α<1,
for almost all t ∈ [0, T], where c1 is a positive constant and c2(t) is an integrable nonnegative function on [0, T]. Then,
(14) S(t)S(0)Eα(c1tα)+Γ(α)Eα,α(c1tα)Dtαc2(t),
are Mittag-Leffler functions.

Lemma 2.

[] On the interval [0, T], any absolute continuous function y(t) verifies the following estimate:

(15) StCtβS(t)12tβcS2t,0<β<1,

Lemma 3.

[] For any nN, we have

(16) Ix2nvL20,l2l22nvL20,l2,

Cauchy ɛ-inequality [

which holds for arbitrary a and b, and all ɛ > 0.

4. A priori estimate and consequences

Assumption 1.

For any x,tD, we suppose that

(18) c0γ(x,t)c1,γ(x,t)tc2,γ(x,t)xc3c4η(x,t),c5η(x,t)tc6,η(x,t)xc72η(x,t)t2c8,2η(x,t)txc9,ξ(x,t)c10
such that ci(i = 0, …, 10) are positive constants.

Theorem 4.

Let be fulfilled. Then, any function v ∈ D(L) verify the following estimate

(19) vECLvF.
where C > 0 constant independent of v.


We take the scalar product L2Dτ of equality and the integro-differential operator Mv=2Ix2vt, such that τ ∈ [0, T], we have

(20) 2tβ+1Cv,Ix2vtL2Dτ2xγx,tvx,Ix2vtL2Dτ22xtηx,tvx,Ix2vtL2Dτ20tξtzvx,zdz,Ix2vtL2Dτ=2fx,t,Ix2vtL2Dτ.

The integration of the first three terms on the left-hand side (LHS) of , taking into consideration initial and boundary conditions , gives


Substituting into yields


By applying inequality , we estimate the first and the last two terms on the right-hand side (RHS) of ; as such it follows that


By , the first term on the LHS of becomes


Hence, by and , we obtain


Now, since


We need to drop the last term on the RHS of . Therefore, we use Gronwall’s lemma, which yields


Now, by discarding the last two terms on the LHS of then posing Sτ=0τIxvt.,tL2(Ω)2dt, tβ+1CSτ=Dτβ1IxvtL2(Ω)2,with S0=0, in , we obtain


Combining yields


From given inequality

we reduce inequality as follows

Since the RHS of estimate is independent of τ, we can take the supremum on the LHS with respect to τ over [0, T]. Thus, we get the desired inequality . proof is complete. ■

5. Existence of the linear problem solution

The current section’s aim is to prove the existence of the strong solution of problems . It remains to demonstrate the density of the range R(L).

Proposition 5.

[] The operator L engendered by problems has a closure.

Defining the operator equation solution

as a strong solution of problems . The inequality can be extended into
the inequality demonstrated above assures the strong solution uniqueness.
Corollary 6.

The range of the operator L̅ is closed in F and R(L̅)=R(L)̅ and L̅1=L1̅.

Theorem 7.

Let conditions be verified. Then, for any F=(f,g,h) F, the problems have a unique solution v such that v=L̅1F=L1̅F.

Proposition 8.

Let be fulfilled. If for a certain function g ∈ L2(Q), and every v ∈ D(L) verifying homogenous initial conditions, we have

(38) (Lv,g)L2(D)=0,
then g vanishes almost everywhere in D are as follows:


Introducing a new function σ(x, t) verifies conditions and , and σ, σx,Itσx, Itσ and tβ+1CσL2D, then we pose


then becomes

(39) tβ+1cIt2σxγx,tIt2σx2xtηx,tIt2σx0tξtzIt2σx,zdz,gL2(D)=0.

Now, we consider the function

(40) gx,t=ItIx2σ.

Obviously, the function g included in L2(D). lead to

(41) mtdmtdmtdmtd

Note that the function σ verifies conditions , then we have

(42) tβ+1CIt2σ,ItIx2σL2(D)=tβCIxItσ,IxItσL2(D)
(43) xγx,tIt2σx,ItIx2σL2(D)=1201γIt2σ2dx12DγtIt2σ2dxdtmtd
(44) 2xtηx,tIt2σx,ItIx2σL2(D)=2ηxtIt2σ,ItIxσL2(D)+ηtIt2σ,ItσL2(D)mtd

Insertion of into , yields

(45) mtdmtdmtdmtd

According to , we bound the first term on the LHS of ; we have

(46) 2tβCIxItσ,IxItσL2(D)tβCIxItσL2(D)2,

Also, we bound the last three terms on the RHS of utilizing inequality 17, and we then get

(47) 2γx,tx+2ηxtIt2σ,ItIxσL2(D)2c32+c92It2σL2(D)2+IxItσL2(D)2
(48) 2ηtIt2σ,ItσL2(D)2c4It2σL2(D)2+c622c42ItσL2(D)2
(49) 0tξtzIz2σx,zdz,Ix2ItσL2(D)c10T2It2σLD2+12IxItσLD2,

The insertion of estimates in gives

(50) Dτβ1IxItσL2(D)2+01It2σ2dxδ8DIt2σ2dxdt+IxItσL2(D)2
(51) δ8=maxc2+2c32+c92+c10T2+c622c4,2c10+32min1,c0

Eliminating the first term on the LHS of , using , with

(52) Sτ=0τ01It2σ2dxdt
observe that S0=0, then we get
(53) SτTexpTδ8IxItσL2(Dτ)2,

Similarly, by discarding the second integral on the LHS of and applying , we obtain

(54) Dτβ1IxItσL2(D)2δ8TexpTδ8+1IxItσL2(D)2

by , with

it follows that
(55) mtdmtdmtd
for any τ ∈ [0, T]. Hence inequality shows that g = 0 ae in D. Continuing proof, we assume that for a certain function G=g,g0,g1RL, we have
(56) Lv,gL2D+l1v,g0L2Ω+l2v,g1L2Ω=0,
then we should show that g0 = 0, g1 = 0. Putting v ∈ D(L), verifying homogenous initial conditions into , yields
(57) Lv,gL2D=0,vDL,

By applying to , we see that g = 0. Consequently, becomes

(58) l1v,g0L2Ω+l2v,g1L2Ω=0vDL,

Since l1v and l2v are independent and their ranges l1 and l2 are everywhere dense in L2Ω, we conclude that g0 = g1 = 0, this complete the proof of .

6. The study of the nonlinear problem

This section is devoted to solving the main problems . Consider now the auxiliary problem with the homogenous equation:


If V and v are solutions of problems ,, respectively, then h = v − V satisfies

such that the function G(x,t,h,hx)=f(x,t,h+V,hx+Vx), verifies the following condition

shows that the solution of problems is unique and depends continuously on the initial data. It remains to establish a similar proof for problems . We introduce the space


Suppose that h and uC̃1(D) verify homogenous initial and boundary conditions h(x,T)=0,h(x,0)=0,01w(x,t)dx=0. For uC̃1(D), we have


Computation of all terms of , using conditions on h and u, gives


Insertion of into yields

such that
Definition 9.

A function h ∈ L2(0, T, H1(Ω)) is considered as the problems weak solution if it satisfies and holds.

Constructing an iteration sequence as follows: let h(0) = 0, and let defining the sequence (h(n))nN as follows: if h(n−1) is given, then for nN solve the following problem:

Theorem 10.

For each fixed n, assume that the solution of problems h(n)(x, t) is unique. If we put H(n)(x, t) = h(n+1)(x, t) − h(n)(x, t), then we obtain

(77) LH(n)=tβ+1CH(n)xγH(n)x2xtηH(n)x0tξtzH(n)x,zdz=Ψn1x,t
(78) 1H(n)=H(n)x,0=0,2H(n)=H(n)x,0t=0,xΩ,
(79) 01H(n)x,tdx=0,Hx(n)1,t=0,t0,T,

Lemma 11.

Under , and supposing that the condition holds, then for the linearized problems , the following estimate holds

(80) H(n)L2(0,T,H1Ω)KH(n1)L2(0,T,H1Ω)
where K > 0 is constant given by


We take the scalar product in L2(Dτ), τ ∈ [0, T] of and the integro-differential operator MH(n)=Ix2H(n), we get

(81) 2tβ+1CH(n),Ix2H(n)tL2Dτ2xγx,tH(n)x,Ix2H(n)tL2Dτ22xtηx,tH(n)x,Ix2H(n)tL2Dτ20tξtzH(n)x,zdz,Ix2H(n)tL2Dτ=2Ψn1x,t,Ix2H(n)tL2Dτ.

Integrations by parts all terms of , by using conditions , proceeding as in the establishment of , yields

(82) Dβ1IxH(n)tL2(Ω)2+c0+c5H(n).,τL2Ω20τIxΨn1x,tLΩ2dt+52+c722c40τIxH(n)t.,tLΩ2dt+2c32+c92+c2+c8+c10T20τH(n).,tL2Ω2dt

On the other hand, applying to the operator Ix, and taking into consideration condition , multiplying the resulting equation with T(n)x and integrating over Dτ, we get

(83) mtdmtd

After integration by parts of all the terms of and taking into consideration conditions , and using inequality , we have

(84) mtdmtdmtd

Combination of inequalities gives

(85) mtdmtdmtd

Eliminating the last term on the RHS of , by using Gronwall’s lemma, it comes

(86) mtdmtdmtdmtd

To discard the last integral on the RHS of inequality 86, we drop the three first elements then use the Gronwall’s lemma, it follows

(87) 0τIxH(n)tL2Ω2dtΓ(β)Eβ,β(δ9expδ10Ttβ)expδ9tDtβΨn1LΩ2

On the other hand, via the condition , we get

(88) 0τΨn1LΩ2dt2L20τH(n1).,tL2Ω2+H(n1).,txL2Ω2dt

Combining and by using , we get

(89) mtdmtd

After discarding the first two terms on the LHS of inequality , we get

(90) mtdmtdmtd

Here, the RHS doesn’t depend on τ so, we can replace the LHS by upper bounds with respect to τ, we obtain

(91) mtdmtdmtd

Now, we integrate over 0,T, we get

(92) mtdmtdmtd

We get then the desired inequality .

(93) H(n)L2(0,T,H1Ω)δ12H(n1)L(0,T,H1Ω)

Using the convergence of series criteria we conclude that n=1Hn converges if δ11L2Tmin1,T<1, namely if L<min1,Tδ11T. Since Hnx,t=hn+1x,thnx,t, then the sequence hnnN given by hnx,t=i=0n1Hi+h0x,t, iN converges to a function hL20,T,H10,1.

In order to show that this limit is the solution of problems , it is sufficient to demonstrate that h verifies and .

We have, from problems , that

(94) R(hn,u)=u,IxGx,t,hn1,hn1xL2(D)


(95) R(hnh,u)+R(h,u)=u,IxGx,t,hn1,hn1xIxGx,t,h,hxL2(D)+u,IxGx,t,h,hxL2(D)
using , then becomes
(96) R(hnh,u)=tβ+1cIxhnh,uL2(D)+γhnhx,uL2(D)+tηhnhx,uL2(D)+0tξtzIxhnhx,zdz,uL2(D)

By integrating the parts on all terms on the LHS, and taking into consideration conditions on v and w, transforms into

(97) R(hnh,u)=tβ+1Chnh,IxuL2(D)+γhnhx,uL2(D)+ηhnhx,utL2(D)+0tξtzIxhnhx,zdz,uL2(D)

Applying Cauchy-Schwartz inequality yields

(98) R(hnh,u)δ13hnhL20,T,H1ΩuL2D+utL2D
and from we have the following estimate
(99) u,IxGx,t,hn1,hn1xIxGx,t,h,hxL2(DT)L2hnhL20,T,H1ΩuL2(D

Passing to the limit n in , and taking into consideration , we obtain

(100) R(h,u)=u,IxGx,t,h,hxL2D
To conclude that problems admit a weak solution, we prove that holds. Since limnhnhL20,T;H1Ω=0 then, we deduce that 01hdx=0 and hx1,t=0.

Therefore, we have established this result:

Theorem 12.

Suppose that conditions of hold, and that L<min1,Tδ11T, then the problems admit a weak solution in L2(0, T, H1(Ω)).

Now, we prove the uniqueness of problems .

Theorem 13.

Under conditions of , the problems admits unique solutions.


Suppose that the problems admit v1 and v2 as solutions in L2(0, T, H1(Ω)), then H = v1 − v2 belongs to L2(0, T, H1(Ω)) and verifies

(101) LH=tβ+1CHxγx,tHx2xtηx,tHx0tξtzHx,zdz=Ψx,t
(102) 1H=Hx,0=0,2H=Htx,0=0,xΩ,
(103) 01Hx,tdx=0,Hx1,t=0,t0,T,
where Ψx,t=Gx,t,v1,v1xGx,t,v2,v2x.

This will be done by establishing the same proof of ; we obtain


Since K < 1, then from we have (1K)HL2(0,T,H1Ω)0, from which we deduce that v1 = v2 in L20,T,H1Ω. ■


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