Table of contents
The alignment of HR management actions to achieve strategic organizational goals: The impact of vertical and horizontal alignment
The review is based on “Testing horizontal and vertical alignment of human resource (HR) practices designed to achieve strategic organizational goals”, by Martinson and De Leon…
Review shows back-to-work interventions help for back pain, but authors demand more research into mental health and cardio-respiratory problems
An academic review assessed the evidence for various interventions in helping people with disabilities and health conditions return to work.
Increasing employability: How human resource practices can increase employee learning and job-recruitment potential
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
Performance-related pay and employee well-being: Investigating relationships between rewards, pay, satisfaction, and engagement
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
Measures of learning in the workplace: Presage, processes and performance
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
Recruitment and retention practices: Attracting, enhancing, engaging with and forming enduring relationships with employees
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
Employee advocacy in Malawi: The degree to which HR practitioners are considered as employee advocates within an African context
The review is based on "Employee advocacy in Africa: the role of HR practitioners in Malawi" by Aminu Mamman, Christopher J. Rees, Rhoda Bakuwa, Mohamed Branine, Ken Kamoche…
Leaders can find more ‘surreptitious’ methods to promote diversity
The researchers wanted to find out if leaders could promote diversity in the workplace without even speaking about it. Their theory was that creating a more open, empathetic and…
Investigating internships: Optimising performance using theories of self-determination and job demand-resources
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
Towards improved employee retention: The importance of employer branding benefits
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
Public sector firms and continuous improvement: how factors can help or hinder learning
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
Strengthening the impact of career development on job performance: the important role of organizational and individual factors
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
How organizational culture shapes employee commitment: key influence of self-evaluation
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
Employee engagement insights from Jamaica's hospitality industry: compounding the benefits of a service orientation through customer service training
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
0967-0734Online date, start – end:
2002Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
hybridMerged from:
Management Development ReviewEditor:
- Nicholas King