Management Development Review: Volume 9 Issue 3

Table of contents

The paradox of power and learning

Bruce Lloyd

Outlines the links between the three key concepts that come with power ‐ leadership, responsibility and learning ‐ and what they mean for learning organizations. Suggests that…


“Our people are our greatest asset…”

Jon Choppin

Alludes to the often heard phrase ‐ “our people are our greatest asset” ‐ and wonders how many organizations have really captured the full value of their human resource (HR)…


How competencies boost performance

Chris Ashton

Reports on how Holiday Inn Worldwide has successfully implemented competency‐based HR strategies which directly link compensation and individual performance to business…


Dialogue in the public sector

Mike Bell

Describes how dialogue is increasingly used as a transformational tool ‐ in communication, relationships, performance and organizational development. Reports on how it works with…


An innovative partnership in management development

Peter Blackburn, Barry Fryer

Describes the main features of a unique management development programme devised by Shepherd Construction Ltd and Leeds Metropolitan University, which features work‐based…


The motivation of managers for training

Roger Monk

Addresses the questions of why adults seek training and what motivates them to learn. Provides guidelines for managers distilled from key sources. Also looks at the problem of…


Post‐incident support in practice

Melanie Lilley

Being a potential victim of violent crime is an increasing hazard for staff of companies in certain sectors, especially late‐opening retail outlets, particularly those selling…


Role play set to boom

Geoff Cotton

Reports on the success and rapid growth of Roleplay UK, which has established itself as the leading supplier of professional role players throughout the British Isles. Clients…


Addressing the barriers of managing change

Charles Macadam

Provides guidelines on how to dismantle the barriers often encountered when attempting to manage change in an organization. Suggests ways that negative attitudes such as…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited