Table of contents

Obtaining Finance for Leisure

Andrew Thorburn

Considers the best method by which a developer might obtain financefor a leisure development. Outlines the importance of a well‐preparedbusiness plan and a good management team…


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Neil Blows

Examines the principal features of Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR). Considers the benefits to banks and financial institutions in theresolution of commercial disputes…


Institutionally Acceptable Properties

Gerard Lineham

Considers what types of property may be institutionally acceptablefor investment purposes in the 1990s. Looks at both the current state ofthe UK property market and the strategy…


Financial Problems in a Development Contract

Ian M. Fletcher

Considers wrongful trading and the company′s position in itsdealings with third parties when facing the possibility of insolvency.Explains the legal considerations, the…


The Globalization of Finance Capital and the Changing Relationships Between Property and Finance – 2

Cedric Pugh

Covers the globalization of finance and reforms in propertyfinance. Discusses property and the revolution in finance. Suggests aninternational perspective is able to offer…


Leasing Developments in the UK Brewing Industry

Peter Temple

Notes that major brewers and some regional operators are nowreplacing traditional tenancy agreements with assignable commercialleases. Examines the background to these…


US Investment in European Commercial Property

Richard J. Burston, Derrick D. Milne

Evaluates recent successes and failures in US property investmentsin Europe and attempts to anticipate future trends. Summarizes thematerial events and background that caused…


Real Estate Financing in France

Nadine Tournois

Surveys developments in legislation governing real estatetransactions in France. Offers a brief analysis of the principal legalentities available and the forms of marketing for…


Interest Rates, Housing finance and the Distribution of Income

P. Howells, K. Tomlin

Examines the changed impact of interest rates on households′post‐interest disposable income given the rise in house ownershipfinanced largely through mortgage borrowing during the…


Green Loans Arrive!

Vanessa Beattie‐Jones

Considers potential liability for lenders to companies in the UK asa consequence of environmental legislation. Notes that liability canresult either directly, from the effect of…


An Investment of Lessor Interest

Peter Miles

Outlines a form of investment, similar to an institutional sale andleaseback agreement, but which escalates the rent payable for up to 35years and can provide the tenant with…


Decision Analysis Techniques for Property Investment

G.A.E. Orman

Discusses decision analysis with reference to a particular modeland analysis procedure which has been successfully used in measuringproject risk for insurers and bankers. Notes…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 1997

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited