Journal of Educational Administration: Volume 30 Issue 1


Table of contents

Psychological Distress in Secondary Teachers: Research Findings and Their Implications

Elizabeth Tuettemann, Keith F. Punch

Summarizes the results of a comprehensive investigation into levelsof psychological distress, and factors associated with those levels,among a large and representative sample of…

Delegated School Finance in the English Education System: An Era of Radical Change

Brent Davies, Linda Ellison

The English education system is going through an era of radicalchange which has been initiated by central government. A major thrust ofthis change focuses on local management of…

The Relationship between Self – and Supervisor Appraisals with Role Clarity and Job Satisfaction

Tichatonga J. Nhundu

Findings of studies on self‐appraisals conducted mainly innon‐educational settings indicate that self‐ratings are generouslyinflated, do not correlate with other sources, and show…

Implications of Preparing School Administrators for Knowledge Work Organizations: A Case Study

Thomas A. Mulkeen, Bruce S. Cooper

Based on a university department of educational administration′sinitiative to reconceptualize its doctoral degree programme, thereconstructed model is based on four innovations…

Social Support and Teacher Burnout

James C. Sarros, Anne M. Sarros

This study of 491 government secondary school teachers in Victoria,Australia, explores the relationship between sources and types of socialsupport and teacher burnout. Examines…


Organizational Culture in a Good High School

J. Thomas Mitchell, Donald J. Willower

Observations and interviews were conducted in a high school,selected because of high student achievement scores, controlled forsocioeconomic status, and a reputation for…

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  • Professor Chen Schechter
  • Professor Jayson W. Richardson