Delegated School Finance in the English Education System: An Era of Radical Change
The English education system is going through an era of radical change which has been initiated by central government. A major thrust of this change focuses on local management of schools (LMS) – the extensive delegation of financial control to the school level. The effect of this is not just a financial one because it has a radical impact on the nature of schools and of the education system as a whole. This financial change has been paralleled by other changes such as the introduction of a national curriculum and open enrolment. Sets the major financial changes in context. Explains the structure of finance in the English education system and outlines central government′s increasing interest in delegated school finance (school site management), which culminated in the 1988 Education Reform Act. Finally, considers the significance at school level of the LMS legislation.
Davies, B. and Ellison, L. (1992), "Delegated School Finance in the English Education System: An Era of Radical Change", Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 30 No. 1.
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