Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Volume 7 Issue 4

Table of contents

Evaluation of design decisions through CIM and simulation

Doug Love, Jeff Barton

Argues that while engineering decisions can have a significant impact on the fortunes of a manufacturing business, the methods of evaluation currently available are limited in…


Establishing a strategic framework for improving productivity

Ron McTavish, A. Gunasekaran, Suresh Goyal, Paavo Yli‐Olli

Deals with the construction of a strategic framework for improving the productivity of firms. Productivity improvement (PI) has become an important aspect of organizations…


Managers’ perceptions of flexibility in manufacturing: a study in the Swedish engineering industry

Håkan Nordahl, Carl‐Henric Nilsson

Managers’ perceptions of flexibility in manufacturing were investigated in a research case study conducted at six Swedish companies within the engineering industry. The goal of…


Finite capacity scheduling tools: observations of installations offer some lessons

Keith Porter, David Little, John Kenworthy, Peter Jarvis

Investigates the efficiency of finite capacity scheduling tools within companies which employ them. Presents research findings of the Liverpool STS Research Group into “best…


Layout designs for robotic PCB assembly

Collin Wang

Describes three robot cell set‐ups which feature dynamic choice of pick‐and‐place points for retrieving and inserting components. Three robot cell set‐ups are…


An integrated, computer‐assisted process planner for the machining of moulds for expanded polystyrene foam

Sun‐Woh Lye, Siang‐Guan Lee, Hin‐Yuen Yeong

Styrofoam materials have been used for some time as packaging for consumer goods to protect against damage during transportation and handling. The moulds for the fabrication of…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2003

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Emerald Publishing Limited