Evaluation of design decisions through CIM and simulation
Argues that while engineering decisions can have a significant impact on the fortunes of a manufacturing business, the methods of evaluation currently available are limited in their ability to predict, accurately, comprehensively and reliably, the full financial effect of such decisions. Proposes the creation of a “whole business simulator” (WBS) from the elements of a computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) system and specialist simulation modules. Argues that the system would be capable of evaluating any engineering decision by generating the time‐phased financial performance of the simulated company in the form of standard accounting reports. Describes a demonstration system which has been developed to prove the viability of the concept.
Love, D. and Barton, J. (1996), "Evaluation of design decisions through CIM and simulation", Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 7 No. 4, pp. 3-11. https://doi.org/10.1108/09576069610125058
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