Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Volume 6 Issue 3
Table of contents
Developing integration through total quality supply chain management
Paul Levy, John Bessant, Bob Sang, Richard LammingInterest in the extension of quality management programmes intocustomer‐supplier relationships in manufacturing is increasing. Thepotential for joint quality improvement…
Strategic issues and policy of CIM adoption in the transition period of the Czech Republic
Milan MalýDiscusses industrial automation in pre‐ and post‐1989Czechoslovakia. Managerial effort in the centrally planned economy wasconcentrated primarily on achieving and exceeding volume…
Integrated manufacturing: a strategic approach
Ken PlattsIntegrated manufacturing is a term which is currently in vogue andyet, because of its poor definition, is a concept which is difficult toapply. Seeks to take a strategic level…
A computer integrated manufacturing programmed learning environment
Paul L. Forrester, Nelson K.H. Tang, Chris HawksleyReviews the wide range of perspectives on the nature, scope andimplications of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). Presents themain deliverable of a three‐year programme of…
Concept design assessment from specified user needs
Paul A. Rodgers, Alastair C. Patterson, Derek R. WilsonThe actual success or failure of a product is measurable partiallyin terms of the commercial success of the organization producing it.Addresses how to estimate that success at the…
Data management within a manufacturing organization
Amanda Obank, Paul Leaney, Simon RobertsThe effective control of information can lead to a reduction inproduct introduction lead‐times and consequently time to market. Productdata management (PDM) systems are…