Table of contents
A dive into the depths of quality management
Stefan Lagrosen, Yvonne LagrosenThe purpose of this paper is to study the fundamentals of quality management, to examine the deeper layers of quality management and propose a tentative framework of its profound…
Critical success factors of knowledge management systems: a multi‐case analysis
Peyman Akhavan, Mostafa Jafari, Mohammad FathianTo date, critical success factors for design and implementing knowledge management (KM) system in a multi‐case study research have not been systematically investigated. Most of…
The impact of quality management in European companies' performance: The case of the Spanish companies
Iñaki Heras Saizarbitoria, Germán Arana Landín, Martí Casadesús FaThis paper aims to analyse and show the influence on European companies' performance of the two most important models for quality management (QM) practice popularised in recent…
Multiple informants and asymmetric interactions of mutual trust in dyadic business relationships
Göran SvenssonThe objective of this research is to describe and apply a method with which to measure and evaluate mutual trust in dyadic business relationships with both one‐to‐one and multiple…
Strategic typologies in the European telecommunications sector: a rejoinder to Turner
Peter CurwenTo demonstrate that the strategic typology advanced by Turner in this journal for the European telecommunications sector is in need of further clarification.

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Goran Svensson