Special Issue on Assessing and building upon Wroe Alderson's intellectual legacy

European Business Review

ISSN: 0955-534X

Article publication date: 1 March 2006



(2006), "Special Issue on Assessing and building upon Wroe Alderson's intellectual legacy", European Business Review, Vol. 18 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/ebr.2006.05418baa.004



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Special Issue on Assessing and building upon Wroe Alderson's intellectual legacy

Special Issue on Assessing and building upon Wroe Alderson's intellectual legacy

Guest EditorsStanley J. Shapiro, Simon Fraser University, CanadaGöran Svensson of Halmstad University, Sweden

An important legacy volume, A Twenty-First Century Guide to Aldersonian Marketing Thought, has very recently been published by Springer. That book – edited by Ben Wooliscroft, Robert D. Tamilia, and Stanley J. Shapiro – is designed to familiarize a new generation of marketing scholars with the life, the writings and the intellectual impact of Wroe Alderson, unquestionably the most influential marketing thinker of the mid-twentieth century. Half of the material in that volume was written by Alderson and the other half was written about him. However, this publication, it is hoped and expected, will mark not an end but rather merely a beginning: the beginning of renewed twenty-first century interest in the nature, the scope and the magnitude of Alderson's highly original contributions to marketing theory and thought.

As its contribution to a long overdue Alderson renaissance, the European Business Review will be publishing, in the Summer of 2007, a special issue containing original, peer reviewed, articles which assess and/or further build upon Wroe Alderson's intellectual legacy. Publications are welcome that explore Alderson's thinking in the marketing management and ethics areas as well as his many theoretical contributions. The extensive bibliographies found in Wooliscroft et al. that provide both a complete record of Wroe Alderson's own writings over a 40 year period and a more selective, but still extensive record of articles about him provide one logical starting point for prospective contributors.

The deadline for the submission of papers for this special issue is September 15, 2006. Contributions should be submitted electronically to either of the Co-Editors of this special issue: Stanley J. Shapiro, Simon Fraser University, e-mail: sshapiro@sfu.ca; or Göran Svensson, Halmstad University,e-mail: goran.svensson@set.hh.se

The format for submissions will be the same as for all other European Business Review manuscripts (www.emeraldinsight.com/ebr.htm). Those with questions about the acceptability of proposed topics are urged to contact either of the co-editors as soon as possible.

European Business Review

ISSN: 0955-534X

“Highlighting key business and academic issues of today and for the future.”

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