Table of contents

Organisational value of participating in a quality award process: a Swedish study

Henrik Eriksson

One way for organisations to support total quality management, and hence try to increase customer satisfaction is to participate in a quality award process. The purpose of this…


Total quality system as a product of the empowered corporate culture

Milan Ambroz˘, Milan Ambroz˘, Milan Ambroz˘

The ever‐changing global environment that is more and more quality driven demands a new vision of the role of corporate culture in the implementation of total quality in a…


Integrating Six Sigma and CQI for improving patient care

Lee Revere, Ken Black, Ahsan Huq

Examines Six Sigma as a strategy for improving service which tries to reduce defects and therefore improve a firm’s marketing position. Looks at how this as been applied in…


Process reengineering: who embraces it and why?

Ronald J. Burke

This study examined employee reactions to a process reengineering initiative in a large financial services organization. Data were obtained from 2,514 employees, using…


National quality and business excellence awards in a developing country: the Fiji National Quality Award

Mohamed Djerdjouri

In this paper, the essence of the Fiji Quality Awards (FQA) is presented. The history, framework, principles, objectives, examination criteria and the award process of the…


HR utilization and quality improvement: the reality and the rhetoric – the case of Greek industry

Fotis Vouzas

It is argued that quality improvement efforts play an important role in industrial organizations by altering the role of the human resource management (HRM) function and the human…


Total quality plan applied in the Hellenic power production process

D. Papachristos, V. Tsoukalas, J. Vlachogiannis

The use of a designed quality plan for application in the electrical power industry is presented. Some contributions of Taguchi’s technique in power process parameter design are…


Conceptualizing total quality management in higher education

Sangeeta Sahney, D.K. Banwet, S. Karunes

In keeping with the socio‐economic and cultural transformation that has placed newer demands on the educational system, in terms of greater responsibility and accountability and…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited