Table of contents

TQM is suppy chain management

Angappa Gunasekaran, Ronald E. McGaughey

Outlines the principles of total quality management (TQM) and theorizes whether they apply in supply chain management (SCM). Associates SCM with materials management, but observes…


Six Sigma in software quality

G.Y. Hong, T.N. Goh

The success of Six Sigma in manufacturing in the past decade has encouraged moves to explore Six Sigma applications to other domains, such as the software industry, for…


Impact of total quality management on productivity

Jamshed H. Khan

The twenty‐first century harbors intense global competition where the playing field and the rules of the game have changed. There is an urgent need for Pakistani businesses to…


An empirical analysis of management attitudes towards ISO 9001:2000 in Egypt

Hesham Magd, Adrienne Curry

ISO certification is expected to help organisations to enhance quality and efficiency, improve communications, achieve competitive advantage and an increase in market share…


The demise of total quality management (TQM)

Nick A. Dayton

Total quality management (TQM) was deemed by many, a decade or so ago, to be a management movement so significant that it was a paradigm change capable of completely reorienting…


Experiences of working with in‐company quality awards: a case study

Henrik Eriksson

One way to stimulate total quality management (TQM) efforts in an organisation is to work with a quality award. This paper presents a case study, based on both interviews and…


Occupational health and safety and the balanced scorecard

Kathryn Mearns, Jon Ivar Håvold

Since its introduction in 1992, the balanced scorecard (BSC) has rapidly gained in importance throughout the world. Harvard Business Review even selected it as one of the most…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited