Table of contents

TQM: What is Wrong with the Terminology

Mohamed Zairi

Discusses the current confusion over the meaning of total qualitymanagement (TQM). Failure associated with TQM implementation is oftendue to the failure of managers to introduce…


Brent’s Total Quality Programme

John Walker

Brent Council has been revolutionized over a period of four to fiveyears, from a local authority characterized by scandal, incompetence andhigh taxation levels to one which has…


Quality in Retail and Distribution

John Macdonald

Retail and distribution is the most customer‐focused of all industries.Companies which continuously research the market are more likely tosucceed. Discusses reasons for the…


When You Hit a Brick Wall

Tom Glenny

When managing a total quality programme every practitioner needs togenerate and maintain momentum and progress. When progress is suddenlyhalted, the true reasons why are not…


Integrated Manufacturing Self‐control

Nachman Lavy

Workers can pinpoint defects better and faster than the auditor,sometimes even before they occur. To ensure a regular flow of products,the worker’s quality of workmanship must be…


Value‐added Leadership: Build TQM by Reinforcing Your Transparent Advantage

Ken Myers

Leadership is an important element of total quality management (TQM).Organizations spend considerable time and money looking outside for thelatest in leadership technique…


Taming the Paper Tiger

Martin Bridge

The control of documentation in large multi‐site operations brings manyproblems. One company addressed these by reviewing the nature ofdocumentation and then transferring the bulk…


Operationalizing Total Quality: A Business Process Approach

John Peters

Every organization adopts a different approach to making steps towardstotal quality. Describes a number of variables which are consistent withsuccessful progress down the road…


Total Quality Management in Services: The Case of Singapore’s Advertising Industry

B.C. Ghosh, Mak Tzi Ling

The advertising industry in Singapore faces an acutely competitiveenvironment which demands a high level of service from agencies withtotal quality management (TQM) as the…


Regenerating Your TQM Effort: What to Do When It Runs out of Steam

Morris Foster, Stuart Smith, Susan Whittle, David Tranfield

Total quality (TQ) is likely to fail or run out of steam 18‐24 monthsinto the endeavour and this cycle is likely to repeat itself as theprogramme progresses. Discusses why this…


Total Quality with Teeth

Peter Willmott

The benefits of total productive maintenance (TPM) are quantifiable as adirect contributor to improved bottom‐line performance. Describes theprocedures for implementing TPM…


Where Is the Academic Now?

Peter Dunn

Quality assurance and associated activities play an increasinglyimportant role in industry today. Aims to remind the academic of theneed to understand fully and consider…


How to Implement Management by Objectives in the Workplace

Terry Ingham

Describes a Swedish method of management by objectives(resultkontrakting, or contracting for results). The group involvedcompletes a contract for improvement; they then agree who…


TQM Self‐assessment in the UK

Mark Finn, Leslie J. Porter

There is currently little published information about the use of totalquality (TQ)‐based self‐assessment in the UK despite the increasinginterest in the subject. Discusses the…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited