The TQM Magazine: Volume 6 Issue 3
Table of contents
Robust Kaizen Systems
Shrinivas Gondhalekar, Vandana KaramchandaniA robust kaizen system, suitable for initiating TQM, was developed andimplemented in a large company in India, named Godrej, for over twoyears. Statistical analysis of accumulated…
The Role of Work Study in TQM
Stephen BrownLinks the role of work study to TQM and argues that work study methodscan play an integral part in TQM. Argues that many TQM programmes failbecause they do not have measurement…
How Important Is the Black Hole in Your Organization
Michael HuttonThere are three basic areas of concern for a Chief Executive – thelong‐term future of the organization, how to satisfy all the customersover that long term, and how to do so at…
Quality Costing – The Money in Mistakes
Jan A. Maycock, Tony ShawA pilot study was developed to test out quality costing techniques fromindustry and to apply them to the NHS. Quality costing is a method ofevaluating and prioritizing the cost of…
Why Are Educators Stonewalling TQM?
L. David Weller, Sylvia A. HartleyEducational reform has been called for over the past several decadeswith answers resulting in fragmented programmes and mixed researchfindings. Reluctance and unfulfilled promises…
Making Self‐assessment Successful
G. Peter HillmanThe use of self‐assessment as a basis for evaluating progress with andachievement through total quality is increasing and like manyinitiatives there are some basic principles for…
TQM? It’s as Easy as ABC
Sunil Babbar, David J. AspelinCan a TQM initiative really fail? The primary aim of the article is toconvey a more astute understanding of the very essence of TQM. It showshow the TQM philosophy is founded in…
Approaches to Quality
Philippa CollinsDefinitions of quality are contradictory and often misunderstood. Ratherthan rely on gurus or consultants, practitioners should remember the aimof quality: to produce good…
Making ISO 9000 Work The Role of Auditing
Jean Louis Barthelemy, Mohamed ZairiDiscusses the evolution of auditing in the context of Total QualityManagement and describes how an organization can develop a culture ofcontinuous improvement, innovation and…
The Use of the Quality Improvement Framework in Trafford Park
B. G. DaleDescribes how the University of Manchester Institute of Science andTechnology (UMIST) generic improvement framework was used by a selectionfrom the Trafford Park industrial area…
Business Process Re‐engineering: Definitely Worth Considering
Tony R. OvendenConsiders the definition of business process re‐engineering (BPR) as aprocess to redesign business as a whole. Describes the basic principlesof BPR (customer focus, breadth of…