The TQM Magazine: Volume 3 Issue 2
Table of contents
Engineering quality
RH WalkletCadillac introduced simultaneous engineering to help in the design and assembly of its cars. Not only has it increased the quality and time to market of its cars, but it has also…
A question of quality
Joanna G Timmers, Ton Van Per WieleMost people have heard of the major quality gurus, but how much do we really know about their individual philosophies? In this article, the authors challenge the readers to test…
Profit by design
Keith NichollsDigital Equipment is increasing its competitive edge by focusing its quality investment at the design stage. Its goal is to produce products that are less costly, on‐time and…
Freezing out the competition
Anna KochanConducting a methodical product design programme can not only reduce costs, but it can also produce new and innovative ideas. A French refrigerator manufacturer, Selnor, has been…
Starting on the road to success
Barrie DaleStarting the journey towards Total Quality Management can be very complex. The author has surveyed delegates to TQM conferences to see how far down the road their companies are…
A limited understanding
David HowardTQM may well be the latest buzz word, but a recent survey carried out by the author reveals a serious dearth of understanding by the UK's leading PLCs of the benefits of Total…
Responsible customer management
Colin Coulson‐ThomasA British Institute of Management report has revealed that most European organisations are focusing their attention on customer satisfaction. It suggests that everyone is…
Designing for the future
Andrew Lee‐MortimerNCR (Manufacturing) Ltd, the sole manufacturer of the company's Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), sees the 1990s as a demanding challenge. The Dundee, Scotland plant, with 36% of…
Andrew Lee‐MortimerShorter product lead times are rapidly becoming the main‐stay of an organisation's competitive edge. Gould Electronics is utilising, among other quality techniques, project…
TQM leaders: Born or made?
Kevin LewisChoosing the right TQM leader is critical to the successful implementation of TQM, since employees need to become excited about change rather than scared of it. This, according to…