Table of contents

Main schools of TQM: “the big five”

Volker Krüger

The early development of the total quality movement was substantially influenced by only a few quality “pioneers”: Deming, Juran, Feigenbaum, Crosby and Ishikawa. This article…


Knowledge: the key to organisational survival

Robert Raeside, John Walker

In modern business the acquisition and management of information has become a competitive force. It can be argued that this has always been the case. Critical in the gathering of…


Linking QS‐9000 to quality performance outcomes

Dana M. Johnson

Although many suppliers in the automotive industry have obtained quality system requirements, QS‐9000 registration/certification, there does not appear to be a direct link to all…


Strategic and organizational innovations in the pharmaceutical industry – searching for total quality: the case of a large European pharmaceutical company

Philippe Hermel, Annie Bartoli

When considering the traditional conceptions of strategy and quality, the links between the two concepts appear sketchy. On the other hand, nowadays, the main streams of thought…


Set‐up time reduction and mistake proofing methods: an examination in precision component manufacturing

S. Patel, B.G. Dale, P. Shaw

The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to examine how manufacturing organisations used set‐up time reduction and mistake proofing methods. The study was conducted in…


The impact of ISO registration on New Zealand firms’ performance: a financial perspective

Frank Martin Aarts, Ed Vos

The question that this study addresses is whether the shareholders of New Zealand firms benefit from the process of gaining ISO registration. Three major questions with regard to…


ISO 9000 certification and quality management in Spain: results of a national survey

Carmen Escanciano, Esteban Fernández, Camilo Vázquez

The increasing demand of mechanisms making easier the choice of a provider, both in the domestic and global markets, has contributed to ISO 9000 certification possession becoming…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited