Executive Development: Volume 8 Issue 7


Table of contents


This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/09622519410771691. When citing the…


Why do managers need myths?

Brenda Hughes

Review of existing theory defines myth as a potent and powerfulforce, often buried deep in our mindsets, which helps shape our thinkingand consequently our actions and behaviour…


Releasing middle management potential: part 2

Philippa Dixon

Outlines some ideas to help companies create a culture whichsupports middle management development. Ideas are based on researchfindings among privatized companies and other…


Introducing 360‐degree feedback: the benefits and pitfalls

Christopher Rowe

Considers the benefits and pitfalls of 360‐degree feedback –drawing from experiences at British Petroleum (BP) and current thinkingat British Aerospace (BAe), Brough. A…


A local authority management development programme: behavioural versus cognitive development?

Stephen Willcocks, Tony Conway

Evaluates a competence‐based management development programme for apublic sector client. Utilizes qualitative methodology to gather dataabout the impact of the programme on…


A challenge to managers: five ways to improve employee morale

Hampton Hopkins

Discusses employee development opportunities as a method ofimproving employee morale and motivation on the job. The fiveoperational ways to improve employee morale are: social…


Preparing for tomorrow

Neville Benbow

Examines the results of research to establish how leaders viewtheir development, their responsibilities and their succession, togetherwith their vision on social issues. Concludes…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited