Executive Development: Volume 8 Issue 2
Table of contents
Business process re‐engineering: the development requirements and implications
Colin J. Coulson‐ThomasBusiness process re‐engineering (BPR) and the learning organizationare widely discussed management concepts. While both could be, andsometimes are pursued in the same…
The psychological contract of trust – part II
Robert W. RogersExamines how senior leaders in organizations can foster trustthrough business competence and people orientation. However, frontlineleaders need to apply five fundamental…
What is a director’s role?
Branton KentonUK directors are presently engaged in cost‐cutting exercises inorder to improve the efficiency of their business. This is a necessarypart of their role which spans policy…
Learning to manage risk in public services
Ashley DowlenManaging risk is a growing concern of operational managers who facelegislative change, financial constraint, increasing litigation and morerigorous external scrutiny. Describes an…
The whistleblowers’ charter
Gerald VintenWhistleblowing – the unauthorized disclosure of illegal orunethical conduct within an organization – has an ancient lineage,although the first known use of the term rather than…
The synolic approach to human resource development
Alan M. Barratt, Dimitri P. GeorgidesThe synolic approach to human resource development has beendeveloped to help consultants and practitioners obtain a comprehensiveperspective of the elements that contribute to HRD…