Executive Development: Volume 7 Issue 4


Table of contents

Action Learning: Developing Managers with a Bottom‐line Pay‐back

Richard L. Bunning

Describes a management development programme which has evolved to givemiddle and upper managers a “bird′s eye view” of their own organization asa total enterprise. Completed over…


Saved by a Metaphor!

Charlotte S. Stephens

A new executive role has emerged, the chief information officer or CIO.Five successful CIOs in five different industry types agreed to beobserved for one work week each. Perhaps…


Facilitating the New Manager Transition: Part II

Ronald J. Burke, Carol A. McKeen

It is not uncommon for high‐level managers appointed from outsideorganizations to fail in their new assignments. This failure in takingcharge, while common, has received little…


Keeping Donkeys out of the Boardroom

Connie G. McArthur, Janet L. Favero Phillips

Points out that feedback is essential to improve continually theperformance and development of executives. However, executives rarelyreceive specific, candid feedback about their…


From Chaos to Complexity : Implications for Organizations

Ralph Lewis

Complexity theory is a new science that builds on chaos. Itsimplications for organizations are many – specifically in understandingchange. Leaders need to keep their organizations…


Executive Competencies: Research Issues, Activities and Responses

Chris Pierce

Examines research activity in executive competencies, and the ManagementCharter Initiative M3 framework. Briefly outlines executive competencyframe‐works currently being developed…


Should We Have a Meeting

Leslie Rae

Discusses whether meetings are necessary. Types of meeting are analysedand alternatives are presented.


Planning Your Total Career and Life Portfolio: Part II: A Group Process Experience for Developing Personal and Career Focus – A Case Study

Jay J. Zajas

Provides a case study of a group process experience for personal growthand career development. A small group of adults meets under thesupervision of their leader and co‐leader for…


Executive Stress and How to Survive It

Jeff Grout

Outlines the results of a survey into “Management Issues for theNineties”, the most striking finding from which concerned stress.Examines the nature of stress and concludes with…


Speaking in Public – : Part I: Stand, Speak, Point and Make Them Listen

Robert D. Freeburn

Emphasizes the importance of material preparation; awareness of audienceconstituency; posture; and physical and verbal pointing of importantinformation, incorporating movement and…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

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