Table of contents

From Theory to Practice : How Valuable Are Women into Management Courses when You Become a Chief Executive?

Pam Cole

Most managers are men and most management courses make little referenceto the specific needs of women. In recent years women into managementcourses have been developed but they…


Human Resource Development and Senior Women Managers in the North‐East

Claire Hall, David Bright

Considers how women have progressed in their careers to middle/seniormanagement levels in the North‐East. Focuses on the individualexperiences of 40 such women and covers the…


Managing a Police Welfare Function

Jacqueline Emmott

Describes and explains the welfare function of a large police authority.Discusses the historical development of police welfare before explainingthe present function. The manager…


Women and Power in Organizations

Heli K. Lahtinen, Fiona M. Wilson

Men have power in organizations that women often lack. Investigatesgenerally men′s and women′s employment, job segregation, and part‐timeemployment. Discusses the barriers to…


Getting into the Act: Who Decides about Corporate Strategy

Susan Miller

Discusses the nature of strategic decision making in organizations.Explores the process of implementation and poses questions about how toevaluate decision success. Discusses…


Working for Women Working in Leeds

Kate Siddall, Helen King, Therese Coleman, Bill Cotton

Discusses the launch of a public/private sector partnership in Leeds– Opp 2k. Explores why organizations should balance their workforces andhow this can be achieved. Opp 2k exists…


Women in Corporate Management in Canadian Organizations: Slow Progress?

Ronald J. Burke

Examines the status of corporate women in Canadian organizations, fromdata provided by 124 vice‐presidents of human resources, through the useof anonymous questionnaires. Half…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited