Executive Development: Volume 5 Issue 3
Table of contents
Building Our Team – From the End of a Rope
Geraldine ChappleDescribes the experience of a manager at R.S. Clare in Liverpool indeveloping a teamworking culture. Through workshops and the use of theoutdoors, describes how teamworking moved…
Organizational Change through Team Development at BICC
Bob Preston, Paul HoltA programme of introducing teamworking into the business wasundertaken at BICC Cables, a leading cable manufacturer. Teamworkingallowed managers to combine their efforts in…
Know Thy Team – and Play Your Trump Card!
George Zieja, Su PechaMost executives experience job dissatisfaction at some point, whichthey find difficult to resolve and which may affect the fortunes oftheir company. The root cause may well lie in…
Improved Teamworking Using a Computer System: A Review of the Belbin Interplace III Expert System
Mike WoodsOver the last years several computer‐based psychometric tests havebecome available. They are offered as packages for purchase or as partof a bureau service. Describes one of the…
Developing the Team at Northamptonshire Police
Gerald L. Halsey, David W. OsborneDiscusses team‐building initiatives undertaken in an operationalsphere which aimed both to enhance the awareness of individuals of theirown psychological profile and their impact…
Management Team Building: An Experience at BT
Philip S. WilsonDescribes the background and events leading up to a typicalmanagement team‐building workshop.
Measures which Help You Work Together as a Team
Charles Margerison, Dick McCannLooks at instruments which can be used in team development. TheTypes of Work Index provides personal feedback to team members on theirjob. The Team Management Index helps team…
Team‐built Teams
Fred J. TrussellThe Meal and Meal Components Section in Unilever Research wasformed at the end of 1990, as a result of the refocusing of the UnileverFoods organization. With the Cambridge…
Improvement Teams at Champion Spark Plug
Doug Strycharczyk, John HoggDescribes a team‐building programme at the manufacturing base ofChampion Spark Plug which aimed to ensure that the people in thebusiness were equipped and willing to create the…
From Public to Private: The Team Approach at Scottish – Hydro Electric Plc
Barrie WatsonScottish Hydro‐Electric plc faced a major change – movingfrom the public to the private sector. The strategy involved creating ahigher performance, customer‐focused company. The…