Executive Development: Volume 5 Issue 2
Table of contents
Management Development Training in the 1990s: Present Trends and Future Directions
Michael S. Lane, Gerald L. Blakely, Cindy L. MartinecManagement development programmes are increasingly being studiedand evaluated, regarding their efficiency and effectiveness. Presentsthe results of a survey of 155 directors and…
Executive Information Systems: The Time Has Come
Mohammed H. OmarExecutive Information Systems (EIS) is a new technology emerging inresponse to the special information needs of top executives. It alreadyhas its software and hardware support and…
Helpers in Management Development
Alan MumfordDescribes three of the situations in which a manager can be helpedto learn by others – problem solving, using networks, colleagues.States that the reason so many so‐called…
Assessing for Competence at Safeway: Part I
Mike StringfellowThe role of a store manager in a supermarket was factor analysed todefine 12 key areas of effectiveness. Managers were trained to classifybehaviour observed in competence areas…
Training for Chaos: Part I
Bill PetersPart I of a two‐part article. States that in the New Age ofmanagement, IT managers are underskilled in the people and businessaspects. Suggests areas of training for IT management…
Professional Training as a Tool of Skill Building and Morale Enhancement
Laurence BartonAt no time is professional training more important for employeesthan during difficult economic periods. With smaller budgets and areduced workforce, management can introduce…
Networking for Change
Raewyn StoneDescribes the origins of the Women in Local Government Network(WLGN); the issues facing women managers and our preferred strategiesfor change through networking and personal…
Self‐development for Developers
David Megginson, Mike PedlerReports some findings from the Developing the Developersreport, in particular the high proportion of developers whodifferentiate training from development, and their reasons for…
Through the Gateway
Jeffrey Gold, Steve JohnsonDescribes a recent management development programme for themanagers of a business school. Steve Johnson explains how the programmemade him into a “learning manager”. He outlines…