Executive Development: Volume 4 Issue 1
Table of contents
Banking on excellence at First Union
Jill S FlynnReports on a training and development programme tailored especiallyfor newly merged consumer bankers. Describes a two‐week programme calledConsumer Sales Academy to teach the…
Making Local Authority managers more businesslike
Ziggi Alexander, Neil McEwenDescribes the process of change at Birmingham City Council to copewith new legislation including compulsory competitive tendering.Achieving the strategic objectives of the City…
Making the wrong choice – Part one: Senior Manager selection
Randall P White, David L DeVriesQuestions why the choice of senior managers is so oftenunsuccessful. Considers selection of candidates is often made with toonarrow a range of criteria. Suggests that qualities of…
The personalities of strong executives
Dennis E CoatesPresents his study of the personality profiles of over a thousandmanagers at all levels based on neuropsychology and cognitivepsychology. Notes that no single cognitive style…
The quest for the international manager
Kevin BarhamDescribes how leading international companies are developing globalmanagers. Stresses the need for an international spirit andinternational career development. Considers the role…
Star light, star bright, won’t someone tell me my work’s all right?
DeAnne RosenbergQuestions the real purpose of performance appraisal and describeshow it is best achieved. Notes that criticism breeds defensiveness butperformance feedback can be done without…
How to manage the unthinkable
Michael RegesterAgrees that the key to crisis management is crisis prevention butsuggests strategies on how to cope if the unthinkable were to happen.Notes the need for effective communication…
Executive Development at Tenneco: Interview with Ken Otto
William HeislerDescribes Tenneco as dealing primarily in manufacturing but withmajor interests in energy. Addresses issues of executive developmentincluding quality and availability of…
I wish I could do that
Cricket Kemp, Ashley BookmanDescribes competence modelling at Tioxide, UK. Dissatisfied withusing models of specific management competences solely for assessmentand selection Tioxide transformed it into a…
Choosing the right videos
Martin AbrahamNotes that management development programmes hinge critically onthe use of appropriate resources, such as videos. Considers the videoillustrating a theory as too simplistic and…
Innovation in the 1990s
Peter OwenSuggests three factors are responsible for innovation in all itsaspects moving to the top of the management agenda: increasinginternationalism, increasing competition, and new…