Executive Development: Volume 3 Issue 4
Table of contents
The Hoechst Industrial Scholarship Scheme
Ian PeacockDescribes the background and content of this combination ofwork‐related and practical experience leading to a recognisedqualification. Stretching over two years this vocational…
A case of disappearing pills
Theresa R BarnettExamines the use of inter‐active video to help train managers todeal with with staff discipline. Using a case study researched from reallife allows the manager to develop…
How to run better business meetings
Virginia JohnsonSuggests eight steps to run a better business meeting. Includesagendas, presentation aids, environment, timing and control. Concludesthat well run meetings are powerful…
Building Winning Teams: An interview with Charles Margerison and Dick McCann
Lyn HedgesDiscusses the development of the Team Management System. Describesthe Team Management Wheel with its nine key roles from ControllerInspector to Creator Innovator. Explains the…
Inside vs. Outside
William J BowenCompares in‐house with university sponsored managementdevelopment/education programmes. Provides points to consider whenselecting an out‐of‐company or designing a company‐specific…
North Americans, Europeans and 1992
Stephen J Wall, Robert McHenryConsiders how North American and European managers will get alongwith the coming of the single european market. Compares their differentattitudes to management decision making on…
Developmental Management: An interview with Ronnie Lessem
George BickerstaffeDefines “developmental management” as based onindividuality, attunement and alignment rather than on planning,co‐ordination and control. Discusses the “soft edge” of…
A moving experience at AARP
Teresa A Griffith, Herbert S KindlerDescribes a training strategy created by the American Associationof Retired Persons to assist staff in the relocation of its Westernheadquarters. Programme was designed to provide…
Meeting with success?
Walter A Green, Harold LazarusBased on the responses of over 1,000 executives, the findings ofthis research pinpoint the key elements for effective management andreveal the disparity between perceived…