Executive Development: Volume 3 Issue 1
Table of contents
The International Manager
Jane FranklinExamines the effect of the single european market on UKorganisations. Considers educations and training, recruitment andretention, corporate structures language and cultural…
Executives and retirement
Keith HughesDiscusses retirement benefits, phased retirement and pre‐retirementpreparation. Outlines six ingredients for successful retirement andconcludes that it needs to be efficiently…
The tall ships experience
Alastair WatsonDetails a management development programme on board a 300‐ton,three‐masted, topsail schooner. Provides an evaluation of the programmeand concludes that participating executives…
A meeting of minds
Barrie PearsonDiscusses strategic workshops, their aims, the managementdevelopment opportunities and criteria for success. Provides casestudies on three companies and comments on outcomes of…
Learning in a cross‐cultural setting
Christopher PotterDescribes a training event for healthcare managers in Saudi Arabia.Using role playing techniques the objective was to help them to becomemore effective at running meetings. The…
The Company‐based MBA
Fred CannonConsiders the consortium MBA and the in‐company MBA. Relates thetheory to practical examples in several companies. Discusses thecriteria for success and concludes that the…
Ten steps to success
Terry LunnPresents brief results of a study into factors that successfulmanagers use to increase productivity in the UK and USA. Identifies tencommon themes including use of talent…
The 21st Century Executive
Albert VicereConsiders the characteristics, attitudes, perspectives and skillsto ensure top management effectiveness. Details global strategies, useof technology and political skills. Looks to…