Executive Development: Volume 2 Issue 1
Table of contents
Management succession during organizational change
Valerie Stewart, Bill LaidlawOffers ways for an organisation to manage the transition from onestage to the next. Discusses the problem of identifying future managersand identifying management performance…
A guarantee of success
Marc Logan, Jim OliverOffers two examples of organizations′ high achievement in trainingand human resource development (HRD) together with suggestions formaintaining organizational competitiveness…
Management development in the retail sector
Roy CanningDescribes a management development programme involving a major UKretail company in 1985. Reports on the aims of the developmentprogramme. Examines the main elements of the…
Management Training at Wartsila
Anneli ValpolaShows how the large Finnish industrial conglomerate, Wartsila isprogressing with its own tailor made action learning programmes.Discusses the integration of strategic development…
Assessing managerial performance
Robin JacobsConsiders some recent research on understanding and improvingmanagerial performance. Reports on findings of a recent survey thatasked executive managers what it is that…
Action learning: a short managerial guide
Charles MargerisonExamines action learning as a way for individuals to educatethemselves for management positions. Considers classroom learningcourses and distance learning. Focuses on action…
New style managers for the IT environment
Tony LandaleBriefly examines a new style MBA programme for information managersdeveloped by BIS Applied Systems, one of the UK′s leading informationservice companies, and the International…
Teaching middle managers to think like executives
Bernard Keys, Tom Urban, Michael FrugeReports on the new case‐oriented system of management developmentbeing used by the Presidents of ARCO Oil and Gas in an attempt toimprove the ability of middle management to add…
The road to the top is paved with good assignments – part one
Michael M. LombardoReports on interviews and surveys taken from successful executivesto find out how they learn and grow over the span of a career. Describestwo of the five assignment types that…