International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 34 Issue 6

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Table of contents

A study on the effect of ethical leadership on teachers’ moral motivation at schools in Pakistan

Shazia Rehman Khan, David C. Bauman, Uzma Javed

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of ethical leadership on moral motivation of teachers in the schools of Pakistan.


How do teaching quality and pedagogical practice enhance vocational student engagement? A mixed-method classroom observation approach

Yanmin Zhao, James Ko

The purpose of this paper is to investigate vocational teaching behaviours in facilitating pedagogical practice concerning students' classroom engagement.


MBA education: new insights on enablers of managerial performance

Debmallya Chatterjee, James Poovathingal

Several authors have proposed various factors/enablers that enhance managerial performance of MBA students. However, there is little research on how to prioritise these enablers…


Domains of decision-making and forms of capital among men and women teachers

Yael Grinshtain, Audrey Addi-Raccah

Viewing school as a feminine bias workplace alongside being a field of power relations as argued by Bourdieu, this study examines (1) gender differences among teachers in…


A codified executive education custom client engagement process

Mark E. Haskins, Jennifer S. Hicks, Luciano Centini

This article describes the motivations for, and the process of, creating an executive education (EE) custom client engagement service template to foster closer, more effective…


Internship models: acknowledging social and academic expectations

Nancy Guerra Barrón

The paper shows an example of an internship-classroom model that increases student motivation and self-efficacy across cultural frameworks by providing opportunities for…


Managing STEM learning: a typology and four models of integration

Yin Cheong Cheng, Winnie Wing Mui So

To develop a framework for conceptualizing and managing integration in STEM learning, that can help address key issues in its research and implementation worldwide.


Directors' stress in day care centers: related factors and coping strategies

Mailis Elomaa, Eija Pakarinen, Sirpa Eskelä-Haapanen, Leena Halttunen, Antje Von Suchodoletz, Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen

This study aims to explore what causes stress to day care center directors and what their coping strategies are. In addition, the study examined the extent to which directors…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen