International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 30 Issue 6

Table of contents

Entrepreneurial management education needs in the Republic of Croatia, Poland and the United Kingdom

Marina Dabic, Davor Vlajcic, Ivan Novak

The purpose of this paper is to take the emergence of the knowledge mobilization as an opportunity to develop an understanding of needs for catching up appropriate knowledge…


Exploring the moral and distributive levers for teacher empowerment in the Finnish policy culture

Jan Merok Paulsen, Kjell Brynjulf Hjertø, Saku Petteri Tihveräinen

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between school leadership practices and teacher empowerment in the Finnish policy culture. Specifically, moral leadership…


Perceived uncertainty and organizational health in public schools: The mediating effect of school principals’ transformational leadership style

Lior Hameiri, Adam Nir

Public schools operate in a changing and dynamic environment evident in technological innovations, increased social heterogeneity and competition, all contributing to school…


Chinese teachers’ attitudes toward performance pay: the cases of three schools

Shujie Liu, Decheng Zhao, Wei Xie

The purpose of this paper is to investigate Chinese teachers’ attitudes toward performance pay. Specifically, this study examined the extent to which Chinese teachers supported…


Assessing the research efficiency of higher education institutions in Chile: A data envelopment analysis approach

David Andres Munoz

The purpose of this paper is to assess the research efficiency of the Chilean higher education institutions (HEIs). As it has been argued in the literature, universities in Chile…


The development of local private primary and secondary schooling in Hong Kong, 1841-2012

Alan C.K. Cheung, E. Vance Randall, Man Kwan Tam

This paper is a historical review of the development of private primary and secondary education in Hong Kong from 1841-2012. The purpose of this paper is to examine the evolving…


Challenges in distributed leadership: evidence from the perspective of headteachers

Lokman Mohd Tahir, Sui Liang Lee, Mohammed Borhandden Musah, Hadijah Jaffri, Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohamad Said, Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the issues and challenges faced by headteachers in practicing the suggested distributed leadership (DL) approach in three primary…


Teachers’ perceptions of fairness, well-being and burnout: A contribution to the validation of the Organizational Justice Index by Hoy and Tarter

Vincenza Capone, Giovanna Petrillo

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the validation of the Organizational Justice Index (OJI) by Hoy and Tarter (2004), a self-report questionnaire for teachers’…


Consequences of KPIs and performance management in higher education

Therése Kairuz, Lynn Andriés, Tracy Nickloes, Ilse Truter

The core business of universities is learning. Cognitive thinking is critical for learning and the development of new knowledge which are essential in higher education. Creative…


Instructional leadership in Greek and English outstanding schools

Maria Kaparou, Tony Bush

The purpose of this paper is to examine instructional leadership (IL) in outstanding secondary schools within a centralised (Greece) and a partially decentralised (England…


Education policies and organizational structures in Argentinian secondary schools

María Eugenia Vicente

– The purpose of this paper is to review the link between public education policies and institutional practices in Argentina throughout history and today.


Pricing for higher education institutions: a value-based approach

Amizawati Mohd Amir, Sofiah Md Auzair, RUHANITA MAELAH, Azlina Ahmad

The purpose of this paper is to propose the concept of higher education institutions (HEIs) offering educational services based on value for money. The value is determined based…


School leadership and its impact on student achievement: The mediating role of school climate and teacher job satisfaction

Vartika Dutta, Sangeeta Sahney

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of teacher job satisfaction and school climate in mediating the relative effects of principals’ instructional and transformational…


The use of MOOCs in transnational higher education for accreditation of prior learning, programme delivery, and professional development

Carrie Amani Annabi, Stephen Wilkins

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how, and the extent to which, massive open online courses (MOOCs) might be used in the accreditation of students’ prior learning, in…


Effective faculty evaluation at the teaching-centered university: Building a fair and authentic portfolio of faculty work

Amy L. Lakin

The purpose of this paper is to determine the most fair, authentic, and reliable elements to include in a portfolio of faculty work, specifically at teaching-centered…


A conceptual framework for evaluating higher education institutions

Ravi Chinta, Mansureh Kebritchi, Janelle Ellias

Performance evaluation is a topic that has been researched and practiced extensively in business organizations but has received scant attention in higher education institutions. A…


School discipline, school uniforms and academic performance

Chris Baumann, Hana Krskova

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of school discipline in achieving academic performance. The study aims to clarify the role of permissive vis-à-vis authoritative…


Principal empowering leadership and teacher innovative behavior: a moderated mediation model

Panagiotis Gkorezis

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to extant literature by linking principal empowering leadership to teachers’ innovative work behavior. By doing so, the author attempts…


Lebanese cherishing a transformational educational leader

Dorine Maurice Mattar

The purpose of this paper is to find out if the characteristics, traits and leadership style of an effective university leader in Lebanon match those of a transformational one…


Modelling student satisfaction and motivation in the integrated educational environment: An empirical study

Yulia Stukalina

The purpose of this paper is to explore some issues related to enhancing the quality of educational services provided by a university in the agenda of integrating quality…


Examination of students’ selection criteria for international education

Syed Zamberi Ahmad, F. Robert Buchanan, Norita Ahmad

Motivations for study abroad in tourism and hospitality were examined as to the influence of a variety of personal criteria in the individual decision process of adult learners to…


Size matters: The link between staff size and perceived organizational support in early childhood education

Dora Ho, Moosung Lee, Yue Teng

– The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between staff size and perceived organizational support (POS) in early childhood education (ECE) organizations.


Empirical investigation of moderating and mediating variables in between transformational leadership and related outcomes: A study of higher education sector in North India

Jeevan Jyoti, Sonia Bhau

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the multi-layer effect of transformational leadership (TL) on employee-related outcomes, i.e. relational identification (RI) and…


Exploring academics’ approaches to managing team assessment

Naomi Augar, Carolyn J Woodley, Despina Whitefield, Maxwell Winchester

The purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding of academics’ approaches to managing team assessment at an Australian University with a view to informing policy…

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen