International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 25 Issue 5

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Table of contents

Student evaluation web sites as potential sources of consumer information in the United Arab Emirates

Stephen Wilkins, Alun Epps

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the attitudes of students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) towards non‐institutionally sanctioned student evaluation web sites, and to…


Critical success factors in crafting strategic architecture for e‐learning at HP University

Kunal Sharma, Pallvi Pandit, Parul Pandit

The purpose of this paper is to outline the critical success factors for crafting a strategic architecture for e‐learning at HP University.


Effects of school heads' and teachers' agreement with the curriculum reform on curriculum development progress and student learning in Hong Kong

Alan C.K. Cheung, Ping Man Wong

The purpose of this paper is to examine the progress of the curriculum reform in Hong Kong in the implementation phase from 2001‐2006, with the agreement and support of heads and…


Development of a regional education hub: the case of Hong Kong

Yin Cheong Cheng, Alan C.K. Cheung, Timothy W.W. Yeun

This paper aims to review and analyze the functions, strategies and related issues of developing a regional education hub in the trends of education development in China as well…


Does participative decision making affect lecturer performance in higher education?

D.S. Sukirno, Sununta Siengthai

The relationship between participation and job performance has captured the interest of not only business researchers but also education researchers. However, the topic has not…


A dynamic system to manage changes in course material

Essam K. Zaneldin

Despite the popularity of existing course management systems, they do not consider the management of course material changes, particularly courses that require more than one…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen