International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 10 Issue 6
Table of contents
Total teacher effectiveness: new conception and improvement
Yin Cheong ChengBased on the traditional conception of teacher effectiveness, proposes three strategies for improving it: short‐term, long‐term and dynamic strategies. Argues that the dynamic…
Barriers to women managers’ advancement in education in Uganda
Marie BrownAttempts to explain women’s lack of achievement in educational management, both in countries in the developed world and in Africa, particularly Uganda. Suggests that women are…
Use of geographical information systems (GIS) mapping procedures to support educational policy analysis and school site management
James E. BrunoObserves, while most school site management personnel are familiar with the multitude of visual representations of statistical data, via graphs and charts, the value of visual…
LMS: the managerial climate and its effects on the interpersonal climate of the school
John Leo DoyleReports that the introduction of the local management of schools (LMS) was one of the main features of the Education Reform Act (1988). Considers the effects of LMS on four London…
The physiological, psychological and work stress of primary school principals
Paul J. ThorntonData from an ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM), structured close‐quarters observation, personal questionnaires, participant interviews and staff interviews to observe…

0951-354XOnline date, start – end:
1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen