International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 8 Issue 6

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Table of contents

The Academic Organization′s Definition and Assumptions: A Basis for Developing Reasonable Access to Discipline Actions

R. Eugene Hughes, Joseph M. Tomkiewicz

Efforts to apply discipline in an academic organization are difficult atbest, and seemingly impossible in situations where the impetus for adiscipline response is unnacceptable…


A Comparative Exposition of Western and Vedic Theories of the Institution of Education

Nandish Patel

It would not be unreasonable to assume that among educationists there isan implicit understanding of the development of education in Westernsocieties as being directly related to…


What Has Happened since the Little Red Schoolhouse

John H. Holcomb

Briefly looks at the changes in education since the 1920s which havebeen necessitated by the changes in society with reference tosupervision of instruction, child protection laws…


Leadership Attributes in a Cultural Setting in Singapore

Yenming Zhang

Deals with one aspect of cultural leadership – leadership attributes.Based on recent research on cultural aspects in educational leadershipin Singapore, attempts to identify…


Constructive Feedback: A Key to Successful Teaching and Learning

Martha N. Ovando

Feedback has been recognized as a tool to enhance the teaching‐learningprocess. Both teachers and students may benefit from relevantinformation which highlights strengths and…


Managers Communicating: : An Investigation of Core Situations and Difficulties within Educational Organizations

Colin Hargie, Dennis Tourish, Owen Hargie

Reports on investigation to ascertain from education managers theirperceptions of the range of situations and difficulties they found mostimportant in their work. Education…


Strategic Planning in Higher Education: Who Are the Customers

Tony Conway, Stephen Mackay, David Yorke

The Education Reform Act 1988 brought about a number of radical changesin the structure and funding of UK higher education institutionsparticularly within the “new university” and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen