International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 8 Issue 4
Table of contents
Advanced Skills Teachers: : Progress and Problems in Their Establishment in Australia
Peter WatkinsReviews the literature pertaining to the implementation of the advancedskills teacher (AST) category. Presents initial data from a currentresearch programme which is investigating…
National Educational Priorities:: A New Challenge for Professional Development
Frank Crowther, Michael GaffneyDescribes Australian teachers′ perceptions of their professionaldevelopment needs if they are to be successful in implementing emergingnational priorities. Also describes some of…
School Administrative Style and the Curriculum
Andrew SturmanInvestigates the relationship between schools′ administrative styles andthe curriculum and teaching practices that occur within them. As part ofa wider study conducted into the…
Community Involvement: The Hidden Factor in Devolution
Tony TownsendConsiders the changing role of parents and the community within theframework of devolution and accountability in educational decisionmaking in Australia. Calls on international…
Devolution and Teachers′ Wellbeing
Ian McKayCentres on difficulties that teachers experience in the movement ofeducational decision making from central bureaucracy to the district orschool level. Devolution brings major…
Teams in Schools:: Looking Below the Surface
Allan WalkerThe development of teams is an increasingly popular approach toparticipation and restructuring in schools. Moves towards teamapproaches are driven by two metaphors. The first is…

0951-354XOnline date, start – end:
1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen