International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 5 Issue 3
Table of contents
Adjunct Faculty Teaching Needs: Meeting These Needs through a Faculty Development Programme
Martha N. OvandoA presentation is given of the design,implementation, evaluation and follow‐up of asuccessful faculty development programme thatis effectively and efficiently meeting the needs…
A World of Differences
Educational Testing ServiceParts of a recent (1989) Educational TestingService publication are reprinted here: a reportof a comparative survey (by tests) of mathematicsand science education among…
Innovation in the Field of Young Disabled Persons: A Report on a Study Visit to Arhus, Denmark, in 1987. Part I
M.H. WrightObservations are made of a variety of institutionsin the County of Arhus only. There is a continuumof provision based on the Danish EducationMinistry′s four principles: proximity…
School Administration in China: A Look at the Principal′s Role
Kenneth R. WashingtonThe findings of a qualitative inquiry that examinedthe role of school principals in the People′sRepublic of China are reported. Specifically, thefocus was on ascertaining the…

0951-354XOnline date, start – end:
1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen