International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 5 Issue 1
Table of contents
The Effects of Organisational Size on Principal Decision Making
Ronald H. Heck, George A. MarcoulidesThe study examines the effects of organisationalsize on elementary school principals′ instructionalleadership decisions to allocate teachers to groupsof students. More…
Recent Developments in Education in Britain: Issues and Implications
E.A. HoldawayThe 1988 Education Reform Act has profoundlyaffected the organisation of education in Englandand Wales. In common with changes in severalother jurisdictions, the power of both the…
Governing Bodies and the Education Authority – The Way Ahead
Michael GarnettThe article discusses future relations betweenschool governing bodies and the LEA inHumberside. A Governors′ DevelopmentProgramme, which has been launched involvingall governing…
Industrial Placements in Hospitality Management Courses
Jeremy R. HuytonThe industrial placement is a crucial part of anyhotel and catering sandwich course. The articleexamines the views of college staff, students andindustry about such placements.
An Applied Approach to Teaching International Marketing
Jeryl WhitelockThis article describes an approach to teachinginternational marketing which won an award forinnovation under the Council for Industry andHigher Education Partnership Awards…

0951-354XOnline date, start – end:
1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen