International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 38 Issue 5

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Influencing beginner teachers' autonomy: the impact of mentorship in fostering self-directed learning

Thabang Donald Mokoena, Gideon Petrus van Tonder

This paper aims to determine the impact of mentorship on the development of self-directedness among beginner teachers in their initial years of teaching.

Open Access.

Madrasah management strategies through Madrasah Reform program: an evidence from Indonesia

Hasyim Haddade, Askar Nur, Andi Achruh, Muhammad Nur Akbar Rasyid, Andi Ibrahim

Improving the quality of madrasah in the digital era is a must. This can be committed by strengthening aspects of madrasah governance through implementing management strategies…


Science mapping of the knowledge base on teacher autonomy: a bibliometric study

İbrahim Çolak

This research sought to document the volume, development trend and geographical distribution of the research on teacher autonomy, identify high-impact journals, authors and…


School-to-school partnerships: an approach to improving Syrian schools in post-conflict recovery

Ibrahim Alkalash, Mohammad Alkalash

This research seeks to highlight school partnerships as an approach to improving schools and halting the deterioration of their performance in an environment that has suffered…


From leadership to allegiance: the interplay of middle leadership, teacher job satisfaction and commitment in schools

Jayanti S. Sothinathan, Donnie Adams, Norfariza Mohd Radzi

Middle leadership is difficult to define and fathom as these roles are fluid, adapting to the context of individual schools. However, little is known about the relationships among…


Identifying factors influencing women academics in STEM careers: evidence from a Latin American country

Beatrice Avolio, Jessica Marleny Chávez Cajo

This phenomenological study, conducted within the discourse on the underrepresentation of women in academia, examined the factors influencing the advancement of women academics in…


Synergistic competencies of business graduates for the digital age: directions for higher education

Luke Butcher, Billy Sung, Isaac Cheah

For business and management higher education (HE) to transition graduates to digital workplaces and careers, it’s crucial they develop competencies (digital and traditional, soft…


Digital access and learning outcomes: a study of equity and inclusivity in distance education

Abhinandan Kulal, Sahana Dinesh, N. Abhishek, Ajaya Anchan

The transformative impact of digital innovations on education has reshaped academic landscapes, affecting both instructional methods and evaluation systems. This study delves into…


Unraveling the building blocks of success: exploring the nexus between school structure and effectiveness in Israeli primary schools

Zehorit Dadon-Golan, Iris BenDavid-Hadar, Reut Tsidkany

First, to analyze the relationships between school effectiveness, as expressed in the improvement gained in academic achievements, and school structure; and second, to analyze the…


Why do teachers leave schools? Evidence from lower secondary schools in the Czech Republic

Jana Straková, Jaroslava Simonová

This study aims to supplement the international knowledge on factors determining retention in the teaching profession with findings from the Czech Republic. The study aims to…

Open Access.

A measure of pedagogical self-efficacy that predicts course evaluations for an international sample of management education faculty

Ted Ladd, Katarzyna Bachnik, Amanda Nimon-Peters, Sonia Scrocchi

This study examined the relationship between pedagogical self-efficacy and student course evaluations among an international sample of management education faculty. We also…


An organizational sustainability framework for Latin American Catholic schools in the La Salle network. A cross-national study using structural equations modeling

Esneider Gutierrez-Rivera, Manuela Escobar-Sierra, Jorge-Andrés Polanco, Francesc Miralles

This study aims to address the challenge of sustainability in Catholic schools quantitatively, even more so knowing that there are few systematized and quantitatively elaborated…


Effectiveness of using feature films in organizational behavior education: an empirical investigation

Janakiraman Moorthy, Sheena Choi, Prasad Bingi

We investigated the effectiveness of using feature films in teaching organizational behavior courses at the undergraduate level at a mid-Western university in the USA.


Assessing the validity and reliability of enabling structure scale in mainland China

Wangying Zhang, Kwok Kuen Tsang

Developing an enabling bureaucratic structure for school organization has been an important aim of education governance reforms in China, like many societies across the globe…


Teachers' talent management and personal quality ensure a better tomorrow in education

Aik Siong Koh, Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak

This study investigates the level and correlation between talent management and teacher personal qualities among MICSS (Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School) teachers by…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen