International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 36 Issue 4
Table of contents
Breaking out of your comfort zone: an archival research on epistemology in inclusive education pedagogy for Industry 4.0
Rahul Khandelwal, Ashutosh Kolte, Prafulla Pawar, Elvira MartiniAs skills need to be changed in a dynamic learning environment, employability depends not just on what people already know but on how well they learn, apply and adapt breaking out…
Impact of psychological factors, university environment and sustainable behaviour on teachers' intention to incorporate inclusive education in higher education
Rahul Bodhi, Tripti Singh, Yatish Joshi, Deepak SangroyaThe current study examines the impact of various psychological factors, university environment and sustainable behaviour on teachers' intention to incorporate inclusive education…
Inclusive leadership and extra-role behaviors in higher education: does organizational learning mediate the relationship?
Mohammed Aboramadan, Khalid Abed Dahleez, Caterina FaraoBuilding on social exchange theory and relational leadership theory, this paper proposes a model of inclusive leadership in higher education institutions. Together with an attempt…
Cultural intelligence increase student's innovative behavior in higher education: the mediating role of interpersonal trust
Anang Kistyanto, Muhammad Fajar Wahyudi Rahman, Firman Adhar Wisandiko, Emeralda Eka Putri SetyawatiThis paper aims to explore Indonesian students' perceptions of student exchanges or studies abroad regarding cultural intelligence's influence on innovative behavior through…
Technology facilitation on inclusive learning; higher education institutions in Sri Lanka
David Shiyam Kirupainayagam, Jayaranjani SuthaThe application of technology to higher education is contributing in many ways to create a highly adaptable, inclusive learning environment for all. This study intends to analyze…
Addressing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) through service learning in management education: insights from India
Kaushik Ranjan Bandyopadhyay, Kasturi Das, Ritika MahajanThe paper makes an endeavour to explore the efficacy of service learning (SL) pedagogy in inculcating the value of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with a focus on management…
Does authentic leadership develop inclusive classrooms: a model examination?
Anugamini Priya Srivastava, Sonal Shree, Sucheta AgarwalThe present study aims to statistically prove the theoretical model on inclusive higher education provided by Srivastava and Shree (2019), which analyzes the effect of authentic…
Teacher leadership and the Turkish context: the impact of the structural characteristics of the school and teacher leadership culture
Deniz GülmezThe aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the structural characteristics of the school and teacher leadership culture on teacher leadership.
Boundary-spanning leadership as a necessity for academic administrators
Mohsen Nazarzadeh Zare, Maryam Sadat Ghoraishi KhorasganiThe present study aimed to investigate the perceptions of academic administrators of the characteristics and strategies of a boundary-spanner leader.
Influence of headship instructional leadership proficiencies on academic performance: the case of rural primary schools of Kweneng region in Botswana
Kaone BakokonyaneThe purpose of this study was to identify the headship instructional leadership proficiencies, and how they influenced academic performance in high and low performing rural…
Talent management in private universities: the case of a private university in the United Kingdom
Trevor Gerhardt, Sheila KarsanIn an uncertain and competitive higher educational landscape, expedient management of professional capital could increase knowledge capital by ensuring the recruitment and…
Exploring teaching effectiveness and research on teaching and learning at AACSB accredited business schools in Canada and the US
Sanobar Siddiqui, Camillo LentoThis study explores the implementation of two Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) standards by business schools across Canada and the US. First, this…
Global integration barriers at international branch campuses: the IBC Othering Loop
Heather J. Swenddal, Mathews Nkhoma, Sarah Joy GumbleyThe quality and market viability of international branch campuses (IBCs) depend upon their integration with university headquarters. Recent trends toward localizing branch-campus…
School principals' experiences of autonomy and accountability: outcomes of the School Education Quality Improvement Project in Kuwait
Munirah AlajmiThis study aimed to explore Kuwaiti public school principals' experiences in relation to autonomy and accountability after the implementation of the School Education Quality…

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1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen