International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 33 Issue 4
Table of contents
Analyzing abusive school leadership practices through the lens of social justice
Shuti Steph KhumaloThe present study contributes to the growing body of research on abusive supervision in school settings, particularly by principals. School leadership (principal) behavior has…
Principals’ experiences of changes in relationships with newly qualified teachers resulting from a teacher registration reform
Anneli Frelin, Göran FranssonThe purpose of this paper is to understand, from principals’ points of view, how a teacher registration reform is enacted by examining the potential changes in the relationships…
Multi academy trusts in England: a scenario of cooperation with universities
Hiba K. Massoud, Rami M. Ayoubi, Mohamed LoutfiThe purpose of this paper is to present the authors’ views of university–multi academy trusts’ (MATs) opportunities for future interconnectivity that could support successful…
What makes good even better? Excellent EC leadership
Margaret Sims, Manjula Waniganayake, Fay HadleyThe purpose of this paper is to explore sense-making of early childhood (EC) leaders in EC services rated as exceeding/excellent in Australian accreditation.
Students’ decision making in class selection and enrolment
Muhammad Hanif Othman, Noorihsan Mohamad, Mohd Nizam BaromThe purpose of this paper is to propose a theoretical model that integrates various dimensional factors which influence decision-making process of class selection and enrolment…
Implementing the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) in a challenging context: Results from a large-scale quantitative study
Leentjie Van Jaarsveld, P.J. (Kobus) Mentz, Suria EllisAn emphasis on school performance is not just a national issue, but must be examined within the global context. Successful leadership is ensured by school leaders’ compliance to a…
Segmenting public universities based on their stakeholder orientation
Carme Casablancas-Segura, Joan Llonch, María-del-Carmen Alarcón-del-AmoThe purpose of this paper is to extend existing research on stakeholder orientation (SO) on higher education institutions (HEIs) by segmenting Spanish public universities based on…
Principals’ instructional leadership under statewide teacher evaluation reform
Chad R. Lochmiller, John L. MancinelliThe purpose of this paper is to describe how elementary school principals adjust their leadership practice in response to Washington’s new teacher evaluation policy.
Toward a better understanding of the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) list and its rankings
Joe Hair, Bob Wood, Alex SharlandThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate the variables that drive the rating within the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) list. The list is used in so many different ways…
Teaching activities in higher medical school: innovations and management features
Olga Mikhailovna Коlomiets, Tatijana Mikhailovna LitvinovaThe purpose of this paper is to reveal the essence of innovations and their application in teaching in connection with the student’s educational outcomes.
Teachers as reform leaders in Chinese schools
Darren A. Bryant, Chunping RaoThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of teacher leadership on the enactment of educational reforms in southeastern China. It considers how the work of middle and…
Learning environment and primary school efficiency: A DEA bootstrap truncated regression analysis
Boon L. Lee, Andrew Worthington, Clevo WilsonExisting studies of school efficiency primarily specify teacher inputs as the number of teachers and perhaps the student-teacher ratio. As a result, there is no direct qualitative…
The practices of quality management in Norwegian higher education: Collaboration and control in study programme design and delivery
Bjørn Stensaker, Elisabeth Hovdhaugen, Peter MaassenIn recent decades, higher education institutions have been encouraged to develop their own internal management systems as a response to perceived quality challenges in the sector…
Principal resilience and vitality in extremis: The scenario of involuntary occupational dissolution
Susan Simon, Mark T. GibsonHigh-stakes accountability and continuous multi-faceted pressures of the principalship require leaders to develop a broad range of personal qualities including resilience and…
Emotional intelligence, emotional labor strategies and satisfaction of secondary teachers in Pakistan
Sonia Pervaiz, Amjad Ali, Muhammad AsifEmotional intelligence (EI) is crucial to determine the emotional labor (EL) strategies and satisfaction of teachers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships…
Making educational organizations able to change: a literature review
Rocco Palumbo, Rosalba MannaEducational organizations have to continuously adapt their structures, processes and practices to meet the evolving institutional and social challenges raised by the external…
The impact of support on growth in teacher-efficacy: a cross-cultural study
Tomas Jungert, Rickard Östergren, Nathalie Houlfort, Richard KoestnerPerceived support from co-workers and managers is important for many organizational outcomes. However, the benefit of competence support from colleagues and school management on…
Quality of work life (QoWL) of faculty members in Saudi higher education institutions: A comparison between undergraduate medical and engineering program
Arun Vijay Subbarayalu, Ahmed Al KuwaitiHigher education institutions understand the importance of the quality of work life (QoWL) since it directly impacts faculty members’ involvement in providing high-quality…
An examination of undergraduates’ perceptions on faculty members’ and institutional support and its effects on their appreciation of scientific skills and research endeavors
Deneb Elí Magaña Medina, Norma Aguilar Morales, Ángel Alberto Valdés Cuervo, Lizeth G. Parra-PérezThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship among undergraduate students’ perception of faculty members’ and institutional support, undergraduate students’…
Linking college mission statements to cost containment strategies
Jessica K. Simon, Megan McDonald Way, Lidija Polutnik, Jeremy AlbrightLeaders at higher education institutions (HEIs) in the USA experience substantial pressure to contain costs while advancing their educational missions. The purpose of this paper…

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1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen