International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 33 Issue 3

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Table of contents - Special Issue: Remote education in the modern world: a unique possibility or formality

Guest Editors: Elena Popkova

E-learning in higher inclusive education: needs, opportunities and limitations

Besarion Meskhi, Svetlana Ponomareva, Ekaterina Ugnich

The purpose of this paper is to study the limitations, opportunities and conditions for the development of e-learning in the inclusive education system in the universities.


Formation of remote education as a means of restoration of Russian recessive regions’ economy

Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Alexander Alekseev, Elena Akopova, Natalia Przhedetskaya, Julia Ragulina

The purpose of this paper is to substantiate the perspectives of using remote education as a means of restoring Russian recessing regions’ economy and develop framework…


Marketing model of promotion of remote education by modern university

Natalia Przhedetskaya, Ksenia Borzenko

The purpose of this paper is to substantiate the necessity of marketing of remote education by the example of leading universities of Rostov Oblast of modern Russia and to develop…


Smart technologies: perspectives of usage in higher education

Innara Lyapina, Elena Sotnikova, Olga Lebedeva, Tatyana Makarova, Nataliya Skvortsova

The system of higher education is ineffective – it has to change the concept of educational process, which is peculiar for increase of the volume of education of labor resources…


Problems and perspectives of state regulation of system of education in the context of provision of Russia’s national security

Konstantin V. Vodenko

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current problems and the main perspectives of the development of state regulation of the Russian system of higher education in the…


Evaluation of competitiveness of university with remote education: Methodological recommendations and Russian experience

Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Svetlana Lobova, Julia Ragulina, Alexander Alekseev

The working hypothesis of this research is that specifics of activities of university that provides remote education does not allow using the same evaluation criteria for…


Internationalization of the educational services market through development of the system of remote education: Possibilities and barriers

Yuri Treshchevsky, Sergey L. Igolkin, Maksim Shatalov

The purpose of this paper is to study the possibilities and potential barriers on the path of internationalization of the educational services market through development of the…


Innovational approach to diversification of activities of a modern university on the basis of remote education

Tatiana Bezrukova, Sergey L. Igolkin, Yuri Salikov, Irina V. Smolyaninova, Akhmed Akhmedov

The working hypothesis of the paper is that modern universities are peculiar for low sustainability to the changes of external environment due to low effectiveness of applied…


Possibilities and barriers for practical application of internationally recognized diplomas of remote education

Yulia Tyurina, Mariya Troyanskaya, Lilia Ermolina, Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Svetlana Lobova

The purpose of this paper is to determine the possibilities and barriers of the practical application of internationally recognized diplomas of higher education.


Application of remote technologies in education

Olesya A. Stroeva, Yuliia Zviagintceva, Elena Tokmakova, Elena Petrukhina, Oksana Polyakova

At present, the development of information technologies changes the whole system of public functioning. Special attention is paid to the system of higher education, as it forms…


New model of managerial education in technical university

Lyubov Vanchukhina, Tatyana Leybert, Anastasia Rogacheva, Yulia Rudneva, Elvira Khalikova

A modern trend in the educational environment in recent years has been the permanent education system with the involvement of online study modes. It is based on…


Influence of remote education on consumer value of university education

Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Svetlana Lobova, Julia Ragulina, Alexander Alekseev

The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of remote education on the consumer value of university education by the example of modern Russia.


Remote education vs traditional education based on effectiveness at the micro level and its connection to the level of development of macro-economic systems

Elena Sibirskaya, Elena Popkova, Lyudmila Oveshnikova, Irina Tarasova

The purpose of this paper is to verify the developed hypothesis on the basis of comparison of remote education and traditional education in terms of its effectiveness at the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen