International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 32 Issue 6

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Table of contents

Management accounting practices, governing boards and competitive advantage of Ugandan secondary schools

Stephen Korutaro Nkundabanyanga, Moses Muhwezi, Venancio Tauringana

The purpose of this paper is to report on the results of a study carried out to determine the use of Management Accounting Practices (MAPR) in Ugandan secondary schools. The study…


Perceptions and practice of peer assessments: an empirical investigation

Anand Agrawal, Damith C. Rajapakse

The purpose of this paper is to check the veracity of educators’ apprehensions about peer assessments by comparing them with the actual peer assessment scores. It also explores…


Teacher leadership in six secondary schools in Mauritius

Dorine Marie Christiane Chukowry

The purpose of this paper is to examine teacher leadership in six private secondary schools in Mauritius and establish the extent to which teachers are taking up leadership roles…


Academics’ perception of knowledge sharing in higher education

Fenio Annansingh, Kerry E. Howell, Shaofeng Liu, Miguel Baptista Nunes

Higher education (HE) institutions create, disseminate, share and exchange knowledge through relationships among people, processes and technologies. Knowledge sharing (KS) in…


Creativity nurturing behaviour scale for teachers

Ekta Sharma, Sandeep Sharma

Today, innovation and creativity are the buzz words in the galore of not only business but also of education. The need to foster creativity and innovation has long been a priority…


Managing bullying in South African secondary schools: a case study

Gertruida Maria Steyn, Gunam Dolan Singh

The high prevalence of bullying in South African schools in recent times is a cause for serious concern. Bullying is traumatic and has a painful, corrosive and damaging impact on…


Arrangement of cooperation between labour market and regional vocational education system

Irina Vasilyevna Terentyeva, Olga Kirillova, Tatyana Kirillova, Natalya Pugacheva, Aleksandr Lunev, Irina Chemerilova, Anastasia Luchinina

Modern educational environment in the system of vocational education focuses on the requirements of labour market and those of employers to the content of graduates’ professional…


The impact of school principals on implementing effective teaching and learning practices

Elsa Fourie

The purpose of this paper is to identify limitations in managing the implementation of effective teaching and learning in township ECD centres.


Dynamic clustering to evaluate satisfaction with teaching at university

Francesca Bassi

The purpose of this paper is to measure students’ satisfaction with the didactics in a large Italian university, that of Padua, giving special attention to its evolution over time…


Stakeholders’ responses to school-based management in Indonesia

Agustinus Bandur

The purpose of this paper is to explore the key determinants of effective school-based management (SBM) for improved teaching−learning environments and student achievements, while…


Big data academic and learning analytics: Connecting the dots for academic excellence in higher education

Sushil S. Chaurasia, Devendra Kodwani, Hitendra Lachhwani, Manisha Avadhut Ketkar

Although big data analytics (BDA) have great benefits for higher education institutions (HEIs), due to lack of sufficient evidence on how BDA investment can pay off, it is tough…


The relationship between teachers’ perceptions of transformational leadership practices and the social ecological model: Universal vs national culture

Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky, Peter R. Litchka

The purpose of this paper is to examine an integrative model combining teachers’ perceptions of transformational leadership practices (TLPs) and different subsystems of the social…


Determinants of effectiveness in public higher education-students’ viewpoint

Harpreet Kaur, G.S. Bhalla

The purpose of this paper is to examine the determinants of effectiveness in public colleges of Punjab (India) from the students’ perspective and the impact of these determinants…


Religiosity and students’ examination cheating: evidence from Ghana

Christopher Mensah, Edem M. Azila-Gbettor

Academic misconduct has become an albatross on the management of higher education institutions with long-term ramification on developmental agenda of countries. The purpose of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen