International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 31 Issue 5
Table of contents - Special Issue: Educational leadership and demographic change: perspectives on diversity, im/migration and change from cities around the world
Guest Editors: Jeffrey S. Brooks, Anthony H. Normore, Jane Wilkinson
Leading schools with migrant children in Shanghai: Understanding policies and practices
Haiyan Qian, Allan David WalkerThe purpose of this paper is threefold: to sketch the current policy context that frames the education of migrant children in Shanghai; to explore the work lives of school leaders…
An unlikely destination: Meeting the educational needs of immigrant, migrant and refugee children in the suburbs of Chicago, IL
Marla Israel, Nancy Goldberger, Elizabeth Vera, Amy HeinekeThe purpose of this paper is to describe a university-multi-school district partnership that positively affected the lives of P-12 immigrant, migrant and refugee students and…
Ontario school principals and diversity: are they prepared to lead for equity?
Stephanie Tuters, John PortelliOntario is the most ethnically diverse province in Canada. School educators cannot disregard the reality of diversity in all its senses. The question that directs the focus of…
One against the grain: Re-imagining the face of school leadership in Aotearoa New Zealand
Lorri Johnson Santamaria, Andres Peter Santamaria, Gurdev Kaur Pritam SinghThe purpose of this paper is to reframe transformative and culturally sustaining leadership for a diverse global society by addressing the need for educational systems to better…
Effective school leadership and New York City’s immigrant and migrant children: a study
Terri Nicol WatsonThis paper provides insight into the effective education of immigrant and migrant children: many of whom are classified in New York City’s public schools as English language…
Educational leadership and im/migration: preparation, practice and policy – the Swedish case
Katarina NorbergMigration to Sweden dramatically increased in 2015 and challenged the reception system at all levels and societal institutions, one of which was the school. As a response to the…
Southern Filipino school leaders and religious diversity: a typology
Melanie Carol BrooksThe purpose of this paper is to explore how school principals in Southern Philippines approached issues related to religious diversity because of its long history of…
Preparing transformative leaders for diversity, immigration, and equitable expectations for school-wide excellence
Daniel D. Liou, Carl HermannsThe purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze an Arizona university’s educational leadership program and the revisioning/restructuring process that program faculty have…
School leadership, social justice and immigration: Examining, exploring and extending two frameworks
Jeffrey S. Brooks, Anthony H. Normore, Jane WilkinsonThe purpose of this paper is to explore theoretical connections between educational leadership for social justice and support for immigration. The authors seek to identify…

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1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen