International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 31 Issue 2
Table of contents
Determining motivators and hygiene factors among excellent teachers in Malaysia: An experience of confirmatory factor analysis
Ismail Hussein Amzat, Yahya Don, Sofian Omar Fauzee, Fauzi Hussin, Arumugam RamanIn a world in which successful learning is believed to rest on the methods of teaching and the performance of students is determined by teacher quality, it is clear that teachers…
Leadership for learning: The relationships between school context, principal leadership and mediating variables
Angelo Paletta, Fabio Alivernini, Sara ManganelliThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between the school context, the leadership of the school principal, and a set of process variables related to teachers…
Monitoring trends in research student experience
Leonid Grebennikov, Mahsood ShahThe purpose of this paper is to present approaches effectively used by a large multi-campus Australian university to improve the research student experience as a direct result of…
Critical success factors for eLearning in Saudi Arabian universities
Abdullah Alhabeeb, Jennifer RowleyThe purpose of this paper is to offer insights into the development of eLearning systems and the perceptions of key players in the management of eLearning systems in three large…
Overcoming irrationality: the Popperian approach
Stephanie ChitpinThe purpose of this paper is to illustrate how associationism mistakenly assumes that direct experience is possible; that is, there is expectation-free observation and association…
Effectiveness of the use of spiritual intelligence in women academic leadership practice
Sharmila Devi Ramachandaran, Steven Eric Krauss, Azimi Hamzah, Khairuddin IdrisThe purpose of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of the use of spiritual intelligence into women academic leadership practices. The study designed to provide a clear…
Field of study choice: using conjoint analysis and clustering
Ze’ev Shtudiner, Moti Zwilling, Jeffrey KantorThe purpose of this paper is to measure student’s preferences regarding various attributes that affect their decision process while choosing a higher education area of study.
Professional identity development in higher education: influencing factors
Alba Barbarà-i-Molinero, Rosalía Cascón-Pereira, Ana beatriz Hernández-LaraIn the last few years, the interest on professional identity development (PID) and the factors that influence PID has become central in higher education (HE) literature. However…
Academics’ perceptions of bullying at work: insights from Pakistan
Saima Ahmad, Rukhsana Kalim, Ahmad KaleemDespite an extensive history of research into workplace bullying and the psychosomatic harm associated with it in western contexts, research into the occurrence and manifestation…
How leaders communicate their vulnerability: implications for trust building
Frauke Meyer, Deidre M. Le Fevre, Viviane M.J. RobinsonThe notion of vulnerability underlies relationships of trust. Trust between leaders and staff is needed to solve concerns that hinder equity and excellence in teaching and…
Determining the value of undergraduate business programs from market vs academic perspectives
Steven Fisher, Robert Chi, Dorothy Fisher, Melody KiangThe purpose of this paper is to generate an understanding of the value-added to students enrolled in selected undergraduate business programs from an academic and market…

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1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen