International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 30 Issue 7

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Table of contents - Special Issue: International study of school autonomy and learning

Guest Editors: Professor Yin Cheong Cheng, Professor Toby Greany

Impact of school autonomy on student achievement: cases from Australia

Brian John Caldwell

The purpose of this paper is to report four case studies in Australia that respond to the question: “How have schools with a relatively high degree of autonomy used their…


Rebels against the system: Leadership agency and curriculum innovation in the context of school autonomy and accountability in England

Toby Greany, Joanne Waterhouse

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse the development of school autonomy, school leadership and curriculum innovation in England over the past 40 years. It provides…


The development of school autonomy and accountability in Hong Kong: Multiple changes in governance, work, curriculum, and learning

James Ko, Yin Cheong Cheng, Theodore Tai Hoi Lee

The purpose of this paper is to trace the development of school autonomy and accountability and related multiple changes and impacts in key areas of school education in Hong Kong…


School autonomy and 21st century skills in the Israeli educational system: Discrepancies between the declarative and operational levels

Adam Nir, Adi Ben-David, Ronit Bogler, Dan Inbar, Anat Zohar

The purpose of this paper is to analyze two parallel processes in the Israeli educational system: first, the idea of school autonomy, exploring its origins and its pedagogical…


Pedagogical reforms within a centralised-decentralised system: A Singapore’s perspective to diffuse 21st century learning innovations

Yancy Toh, Wei Loong David Hung, Paul Meng-Huat Chua, Sujin He, Azilawati Jamaludin

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the dialectical interplay between centralisation and decentralisation forces so as to understand how schools leverage on its autonomous…


School autonomy, leadership and student achievement: reflections from Finland

Toni Saarivirta, Kristiina Kumpulainen

The purpose of this paper is to provide national information on school autonomy, leadership and student achievements in Finland.


School autonomy and 21st century learning: the Canadian context

Paul Newton, Jose da Costa

The purpose of this paper is to report on the policy and practice contexts for school autonomy and twenty-first century learning in Canadian provinces.

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen