International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 3 Issue 4
Table of contents
The Management of an Independent School
John E. HigginbothamThe establishment of a new independent school is describedretrospectively by the headmaster. As a manager he saw his constituencyas fourfold: pupils, parents, staff, governors. He…
Computer Adventure Games: Value and Interest to Teachers and Pupils
Liam F. HeaneyA survey assessing to what extent teachers in primary schools wereusing computer adventure games in their teaching and how their usehelped or hindered the teaching of other…
Learning Styles and Education Management: Part One
Roland Seymour, John West‐BurnhamLearning styles, categorised after Kolb, are analysed in a group ofschoolteachers who occupied managerial roles by means of a LearningStyle Questionnaire. The results are compared…
LMS, the LEA and Performance Indicators
W.F. DennisonThe article considers the change in power that will result from theEducation Reform Act 1988. It is argued that as a result of two featuresin particular (Local Management of…
Polytechnic Performance Indicators from Documentary Analysis
P. Allsop, P. Findlay, M. McVicar, P. WrightAction research which considers performance indicators within anEnglish polytechnic is outlined, with emphasis on the analysis of coursemonitoring, review and validation…
Training the Training Consultant: A Joint BP/LEA Programme
Brian LangtonThe BP company, having been through a period of change, andreceived their training procedures in consequence, collaborated with agroup of LEAs with a view to training key LEA…

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1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen