International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 29 Issue 7

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Table of contents - Special Issue: Research methods in educational leadership: looking forward to an era of innovative inquiry

Guest Editors: Jeffrey S. Brooks and Anthony H. Normore

Qualitative research and educational leadership: Essential dynamics to consider when designing and conducting studies

Jeffrey S. Brooks, Anthony H. Normore

– The purpose of this paper is to highlight issues relayed to appropriate design and conduct of qualitative studies in educational leadership.


Discourse analysis and the study of educational leadership

Gary Anderson, Angus Shiva Mungal

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the current and past work using discourse analysis in the field of educational administration and of discourse analysis as a…


Foregrounding the role of relationships in reform: A social network perspective on leadership and change

Yi-Hwa Liou, Alan J. Daly, Chris Brown, Miguel del Fresno

The role of relationships in the process of leadership and change is central, yet the social aspect of the work of reform is often background in favor of more technical approaches…


Considering critical turns in research on educational leadership and policy

Sarah Diem, Michelle D. Young

The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of critical policy analysis (CPA) in the fields of educational leadership and policy. In addition to exploring how CPA compares to…


Innovatus interregnum: waiting for a paradigm shift

Fenwick W. English, Lisa Catherine Ehrich

The purpose of this paper is to establish the case that innovation in the theory and practice of educational administration/leadership is very unlikely to occur within the…


The past as more than prologue: a call for historical research

Sonya Douglass Horsford, Diana D'Amico

The purpose of this paper is to argue that historical research methods offer an innovative and powerful way to examine, frame, explain, and disrupt the study of contemporary…


The challenges to and the need for international research in educational leadership

Melanie Carol Brooks, Gaetane Jean-Marie

The purpose of this paper is twofold: to discuss methodological challenges facing US scholars when conducting international research; and to present personal reflections as…


Explicating metatheory for mixed methods research in educational leadership: An application of Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Action

Rodney S Whiteman

Mixed methods research can provide a fruitful line of inquiry for educational leadership, program evaluation, and policy analysis; however, mixed methods research requires a…

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen