International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 29 Issue 6
Table of contents - Special Issue: School leadership in Germany between low stakes testing and high expectations
Guest Editors: Professor Stefan Brauckmann, Professor Felicitas Thiel, Professor Harm Kuper and Jasmin Tarkian
School-based staff development in two federal states in Germany
Katja Thillmann, Anabel Bach, Sebastian Wurster, Felicitas ThielIn Germany up until now, there has been very little research on staff development in schools. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively assess school-based staff development…
Principals’ evidence-based practice – findings from German schools
Denise Demski, Kathrin RacherbäumerIn Germany, principals’ working environments are data-rich for school improvement purposes in a rather low-stakes test-regime. An effective use of externally as well as internally…
No time to manage? The trade-off between relevant tasks and actual priorities of school leaders in Germany
Stefan Brauckmann, Alexandra SchwarzSchool leadership is considered a central agent in the implementation of “New Governance” concepts which have been introduced in Germany by means of accountability measures…
Data-based school improvement: The role of principals and school supervisory authorities within the context of low-stakes mandatory proficiency testing in four German states
Carolin Ramsteck, Barbara Muslic, Tanja Graf, Uwe Maier, Harm KuperThe purpose of this paper is to investigate how principals and school supervisory authorities understand and use feedback from mandatory proficiency tests (VERA) in the low-stakes…
Public management reform without managers: the case of German public schools
Rick MintropThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of principals in light of public management reforms taking place in the German educational system and in reference to the…

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1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen