International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 29 Issue 5
Table of contents
Distributing leadership in English Sixth Form Colleges: Liberation or another form of managerial control?
David William StotenThe purpose of this paper is to explore the distribution of leadership practices in Sixth Form Colleges (SFCs). This is an area where very little research has been undertaken and…
Determinants of school efficiency: The case of primary schools in the State of Geneva, Switzerland
Jean-Marc Huguenin– The purpose of this paper is: to measure school technical efficiency and to identify the determinants of primary school performance.
The relationship of employee status to organizational culture and organizational effectiveness: A quantitative analysis
Jackie W. Deem, Pam J. DeLotell, Kathryn KellyThis study investigates the relationship between employment status (full time (FT)/part time (PT)), organizational culture and institutional effectiveness in higher education. The…
Excellent prospects for beautiful minds: marketing international education
Johanna VuoriThe purpose of this paper is to examine how Finnish higher education institutions communicate market differentiation on the admissions webpages of their international business and…
Arab Spring impact on executive education in Egypt
Dina Wafa– The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of the Arab Spring on public administration programs in Egypt, with a special focus on executive education programs.
Stigma, tensions, and apprehension: The academic writing experience of international students
Felix Maringe, Jennifer JenkinsThis paper examines the experiences of engaging with academic writing of international doctoral students in the schools of humanities and education at a UK university. The purpose…
Self-assessment of competences in management education
Lidia Hernández López, Petra de Saá Pérez, Jose Luis Ballesteros Rodríguez, Desiderio García AlmeidaThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the theoretical and practical need for research into the learning conditions that influence a student’s self-assessment of their…
Participative decision-making and job satisfaction for teachers in the UAE
Samira Al Nuaimi, Hossan Chowdhury, Konstantinos Eleftheriou, Marios I. KatsioloudesKnowledge of teachers’ participative decision making (PDM) and job satisfaction (JS) is important, as teachers comprise most of a school’s staff. The purpose of this paper is to…
What factors influence Vietnamese students’ choice of university?
Mai Thi Ngoc Dao, Anthony ThorpeThe purpose of this paper is to report the factors that influence Vietnamese students’ choice of university in a little researched context where the effects of globalization and…
School culture and leadership of professional learning communities
Daniel Carpenter– The purpose of this paper is to explore supportive and shared leadership structures at schools as a function of school culture policies and procedures.
A competency-based model of the human resource development management of ustadz at salaf boarding school
Nur UhbiyatiThe purpose of this paper is to study the criteria of qualified ustadz and how the salaf boarding school leader (kyai) manages the ustadz in order for them to become qualified…

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1987Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Chris Brown
- Dr Dong Nguyen